
Saturday, July 30, 2016


July 30, 2016

A heavy personal statement?  Hah! 

The light fixture in my kitchen nook was not lighting. The fan turns.. the light is dark.  Change the bulb. Dark.  Decide to take a look, teaching myself basic electrics as I go. Switch off! Roger.  undo some stuff.. take out the bulb, Check..

The story is sordid and sad and I'm just going to say that the electrical people who have wire nuts in different colors should have a meeting because after half an hour of failure and off to the hardware store for wire nuts and choosing the orange because that is what was in the light housing..  was a mistake and the package of nuts exploded all over the kitchen but sort of worked once I found them again and finally figured out how to cram all that wiring back into the housing and put the bulb back and the glass globe and crossing my fingers did not electrocute myself or start a fire.. what's that smell?? ... just my paranoid imagination..  

Light.. let there be light and no fires!  

I'm soaked with the sweat of good labor standing on the kitchen table and crying in frustration, but happy to have put the whole thing back together, never sure what the heck was wrong.. it was not a burned out bulb, Bub. 

The Tennessee Williams play, at The Fountain is worth seeing!  Baby Doll.  Tell them I sent you. 
Probably, no discount, but..  no harm in asking. 


I'm still hoping others will write to the Tangerine man at 725 5th Ave, New York, NY 10022 and ask him to just stop his campaign.  No harm in asking. 

August is holding off one more day!  Summer! Yowsuh!

July 30, 2016

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