
Wednesday, July 31, 2019

What about Franken?

 This is a bit long. It may take a little while to read. Just my musings on the article I mention below.  
In this week's The New Yorker magazine (July 29, 2019), Jane Mayer has written a very lengthy discussion regardng the way that Al Franken was brought to heel in a questionable flurry of misguided #MeToo accusations .. specifically by a conservative radio personality, Leeann Tweeden. 

In thousands of words, Ms Mayer has pointed up that there is and has been a growing hysteria that fostered the #MeToo and all men now live under a cloud of suspicion for even looking at a woman and smiling. (Emmett Till's tragedy comes to mind.)  Hysteria is somewhat difficult to define, because sometimes there are actually issues to become hysterical about. Limbic reactions are out of our control. 

The current U.S. administration is an embarrassment and destructive to our democratic way of life.  Chicken Little may be right! Right or wrong, in one way or another, the Sky may be Falling!

As I read Mayer's article: to me an overlong 'apology' for Franken, it made me realize that in politics, the politician is doing many things at the same time: hopefully working to represent his/her constituants, hopefully being honest (as if any politician is ever totally honest) and surviving in the shark infested waters of doubt and derision.  One false move and you are toast. 

On the other hand, the regular person, the guy, the gal, the dad, the mom, the parent, the pal.. is pretty much free to just Be.

The times that the 45th president (sic) contributes to the instability of the world with his undocumented accusations and false analogies: hyperbole is swirling in such a way to suck anyone into a vortex of confusion and frustration. 

Last night I attended a wonderful exhibition of talent and culture.  A friend and her Significant Other have produced a documentary about an iconic performer from the 1960s.  The point is that on greeting this lovely woman, we hugged and kissed.  I genuinely love her. After reading Mayer's article, it dawned on me that because of the #MeToo thing, any man who embraces any woman may later be taken to task for the embrace. We live in hysterical times. 

As in the days of the Salem Witch Trials, the mores of those times, the hysteria that fed upon itself to the demise of innocent women; today, the feeling of being overwhelmed permeates not only the culture of the United States, but the entire first world.  We are bombarded by the news of horrible incidents of mass shootings, the Gilroy attack most recently. Our immediate access to information literally grabs our attention and whips it to some other tragedy or incident that supplants the one that just happened.  

The point is that we may be on the 'road to perdition' in a manner of speaking because the stress of all of this information slaps us silly from one emotionally upsetting event to another almost in an instant.  For those who find the actions of the current president of the United States abhorrent, this is stress that may be similar to being subjected to fingernails on a chalkboard intermittently with no understanding as to why it's so annoying along with the concurrent feeling that we are powerless to eliminate it.  Keep folks off balance and that will create an unstable situation where this 'hysteria' that I'm harping on.. is goaded along.

Because of our now instant communication with 
e-media broadcasting from smart phones immediately onto  the internet and picked up and forwarded willy nilly literally around the world, the paranoia of behaving like normal human beings.. spontaneously greeting someone and touching them or saying something that may be interpreted as untoward is now a real thing. 

I have a dear friend who is a "lips kisser."  It is her way and when coming or going, it's a peck. In our days of hysteria, if a man was a lips kisser.. innocuous and just his way, the standard would be in our days of hysteria.. (I use that word a lot to remind that it's the theme of this writing).. In our hysterical days.. the man could literally be charged with assault or worse..

To me, the only way to get Al Franken back on track, is for him to run again for his senate seat. And, to win.  The Democrats who banded together to dismiss him out of hand, with very little evidence except the questionable accusations of a handful of women, including Tweeden, some of whom have not even been named should come forward (as some do in Mayer's article) and rescue Franken.  Some of these Democrats, have now said that they may have rushed to judgement with the superficial 'evidence' and not allowing a proper hearing with the Ethics Committee to have taken place for Franken to respond to the accusations was wrong.  Presidential candidate Kirsten Gillibrand  stands by her condemnation of Franken.  That says something about her.. to me.

Mayer's New Yorker article examines many sides of what Franken now says that he regrets: simply stepping down.  It was like an admission of guilt with no due process.  Her article attempts to be fair with some staffers critical of Franken's way of expressing himself.  He made a living as a comedy writer and performer for goodness sakes. Some of that broad exhibition of life doesn't come to an abrupt stop just because one becomes a US Senator.   It may not be an excuse, but the analogy that I've come up with is that Franken may have jaywalked and his penalty is life in prison.  That is wrong and completely unfair.. It is wrong. 
Why did it happen? Hysteria. #MeToo..hysteria and even an hysterical response from Franken himself.

Did Franken do it for the Democrats? Probably. Also, the way the whole thing was exposed by Tweeden, his supposed victim, (former Fredrick's of Hollywood lingerie model) from KABC AM conservative talk radio.. totally blindsided him. The article exposes the self serving and blatant untruths that Tweeden claimed regarding the 2006 USO tour that she did with Franken, doing skits that were almost identical to ones he had written and done with other women celebrities in the former trips he took to entertain US Troops abroad.  Lies and half truths won the day for Tweeden. The Democrats took the bait and down went the senator, good works and all.

The great shame in all of this is that Al Franken is a brilliant guy.  In his decision to 'do the right thing' he may have done more of a disservice to our country than anyone could imagine. The hysteria that permeates the world at this very moment, exacerbated by the paranoia of mass shootings and a loose cannon in the White House, the damning information from the Mueller Report, now old news as just a few days past... The hysteria that foments in us even if we are not even aware of the issues that are ... right this minute...  volcanoes  of dread.. ready to erupt to further question our own personal morality and our moral state as citizens of the USA.. formerly the good guys who told the truth, stood for Justice and The American Way.. We are now complicit in the detention of innocent immigrants, separation of families seeking asylum .. and the relentless blather from the highest office in the land that reads like a C Minus eighth grade essay.. Make no mistake, that pain in your neck.. the tension you feel when you see folks behaving as if they are entitled to more than you are is because of instant communication and missed interpretations of what might be innocent acts AND.. and.. our loss of decency as a thing to admire and aspire to: the tension permeating the very room where I sit is because I know that things might get worse before they get better.. if they ever get better..  

And!! My printer is broken so I can't even print this out and send it to my old Colorado pal who, in his politics,  is to the right of Attila, The Hun... because though he reads and believes the Drudge Report on line, can't manage to maintain an email account. 

Michael Sheehan

Friday, July 19, 2019


When I initially began this writing..  I really don't like to call this a blog, though that's just what it is.. This writing..  it was to put to voice whatever thoughts came along, at first inspired by seeing clouds after the death of a friend whose graveside service I'd attended near Long Beach. The clouds were those big cumulus bumpers in a blue like.. blue blue sky.. like the sky is supposed to be.. well. except at night.. But along the way, this site became a place where I'd air some ideas beyond the clouds.. 

'Both Sides Now?'  Did you know that Joni Mitchell's song came from her reading a book on an airplane, looking out the window..  on the way to or from a gig..or was it just a trip? Saul Bellow's 1959 "Henderson,  The Rain King" has the line somewhere in it.  I don't recall the story enough to try to explain. The serendipity of one thought leading to another is what this is about.  How we all piggy back our own idea onto someone else's..  That's the essence of improv: "Yes... and..."

I've just watched the last part of a PBS special about Robin Williams.
That's supposed to highlight so that you can click on it to connect? Hmm.. well.. just copy and paste if you like.. 
Many of you reading this knew Robin.  I only met him one time and it was unforgettable.  An actress by the name of Dee Marcus.. a round and happy little lady founded "Off the Wall" that was at once an improv class/group/looping group. They met in a space just north of Santa Monica on Fairfax.  Funky and casual.  I was invited one night to attend and who should show up but Robin Williams.  He was humble and funny and treated everyone in the assembled group as a peer.  That was important to me, though I'd had some success, Robin and his untamed censor was a star.. He did a short improv ..  a character.. Blind Lemon Yellow? Does that ring a bell?  He and his gang.. I've forgotten whom he came with.. were in and out.. just a flash of genius.

Today I am in a reflective mood for other reasons. Embarrassed myself by calling an old girlfriend who was surprised to hear from me. Started writing a funky memoir of sorts, which led me to calling this woman who's made a name for herself in Chicago. Short uncomfortable chat. Just spontaneous..a thank you to her, of sorts...  for being an important moment in my life.  A link that led to other steps that I've taken in the past many years. Not with her. 

I  sat in front of the TV coming down from the odd phone call and there was a tribute to Robin. The only time I met him, I was surprised that he and I were about the same height and build.  He had seemed larger than life, starting on Laugh In when I'd first seen him on TV in the Sixties.  The tribute includes some of his work.. Good Will Hunting.. The Dead Poets' Society, Awakenings. Director Penny Marshall talks about a gesture that she'd give Robin when working with DeNiro!  Balls!  She tells it and then Robin tells it. Voices from the grave.
The PBS tribute to Robin pointed up his ups and downs.. his extraordinary talent.. and at last his depression.  
Mindy.. Pam Dauber faces the camera and quietly asks, "Why?... Why?"  

Having had an emotional morning..and now, it's almost three in the afternoon.. seeing this tribute and knowing that Robin is gone now five years.. and how his pals in their special recollections of how we need him now.. and on Facebook how friends seem to need to demean this awful president of the usa...
 we weather through.. 

I watched the special with an eye to emotion and feelings; Tears. And, how deep feelings can serve us.  Finding a way to harness the good stuff and put bad stuff into perspective is a goal. 

It's all fodder for something that I probably can't or won't put a name to.  Had Robin Williams lived..he'd find a silly/important way to put it all into perspective. Most folks I know get hung up on anger and name calling.  I won't do that. 

Long posts on Facebook are usually a bit outre and a bit boring.  So.. if this is that for those who have clicked through, it's not my intention.  I am currently 'in trouble' with a dear friend who, thanks to imperfect email and a bad phone call punishes me by not responding.  "There's nothing to talk about."  Getting over anger is a lesson I learned a long time ago ..taught by the best friend anyone could ever have.. a person who personifies love. I'm grateful for her.

Over a year ago, a misunderstanding and stupidity on my part lost me a friend I'd had for more than thirty years! She was bright and a beauty and funny and smart.. An Artist. 

Not a romance, but what felt like a true friend.  As we allow social media and texts and tweets to fill in for real communication, we withdraw from personal contact.  A pal of mine predicts that movie theaters will be a thing of the past in the future. (he also predicted the demise of Yahoo, so that's not a prediction I see coming).. It's troubling because we need human contact. Kids are no longer on the phone to friends and family, they are texting..or maybe even voice to texting?  We become less human. 

Hearing a former lover's voice on the phone.. she did not sound as I remembered.. was a human moment.  I am not sorry to have made the call. 

Seeing Robin Williams doing his stand up.. acting in one film or another in a clip.. or entertaining the troops in Afghanistan.. showed what human contact is about.  In Good Will Hunting, he's a shrink who has moments that are chilling.  In Dead Poets'..  his character is kicked out of his classroom and his students stand on their desks.. as he changes from Mrs. Doubtfire to his alternate ego and Henry Winkler expounds on the talent of the man playing a scene with himself.. all of this brings us to the loss of a extraordinary talent.. and our times.  

Which brings me to the middle of July in the twentyfirst century. A warm day in Glendale. Mixed feelings about the morning and the motivation for the call and the serendipity of seeing Robin Williams on TV.. to the rest of the day.. an empty Friday with art ideas needing fixing or leaving alone? Missing the SAGAFTRA Film Society and missing the social aspect of standing in a line with friendly faces.. the middle of July.. and a warm day.. and next steps? 

What's next? Next steps? 
July 19, 2019