
Tuesday, May 31, 2016


May 31, 2016

Santa Fe Artist Colony.  Bare bricks and even on a day when there is no Open House, it has such a feeling of 'art.'    

I am seeking an inexpensive way to print large images.  Experimenting with my old Performa, it takes fifteen minutes to make one 8" x 8" image. Suggestions are welcome.  I'll need a poster sized image 32" x 32".. preferably in color.  It will be tiled into sixteen tiles to make up part of my current project. 

The main part of the project showed up on my porch today!  It's heavy!  Sixteen cubic feet of art. 

I'm done with the political thing.  Everyone says that the election will be between Mrs. Clinton and the Orange Man.   It will only get more contentious now.  Bad juju.  Period.  I'm out. 

Petanque, anyone?  Boules?   "cochonnet" ? Oui? Dans le terrain?  Call me.

May 31, 2016

Monday, May 30, 2016


May 30, 2016
Porch photo to come later.   

This is a working model of the sculpture that will be in the LA Municipal Art Gallery in August.   Sixteen cardboard "cubes" with 96 faces / surfaces that will become a puzzle for interactive play with the visitors to the gallery.  Basically, 4' x 4' x variable height.  Watch this space for an invitation to Barnsdall Park for the opening of the Open Call Show.  


Sunday, May 29, 2016


 May 29. 2016

The cut line for Star Trek: TNG and the Borg comes to mind.  "Resistance is useless!"  The burgeoning electronic revolution is like gravity and time: relentless. Yesterday I chatted with an acquaintance (an expression that really does not apply, as listening is mostly the only option with her)  who has been a self proclaimed Luddite. She sported a new do-it-all phone! The Borg advances.

This current trend is feeling, to me, like The Invasion of the Body Snatchers. In the 1978 version with Donald Sutherland, remember in the final scene? Even he has been cloned!  Is it futile to hang on by my toe nails to semi-analog? It plagues me now.  I just don't want to become one of those poor souls who are constantly monitoring and being monitored: bent in reverent supplication to the (LGS) the Little Glowing Screen.   It's bad enough with my Little Cake of Soap (LCS) cell that I check when going to the movies or a play to make sure it doesn't buzz or do whatever it does. (It seldom does anything!)  To me, those of you who are becoming slaves to the LGS, are just sad.  In person, you may attempt a chat (or even a real conversation?), but the LGS calls to you and you are gone. Is it an addiction?  You avert your eyes, thinking that the other person won't notice your inattention. Is there a secret longing for connection to a text or even,  an actual voice. A Call!  Are you the obese woman in the theatre audience who cannot resist the glow and 'secretly' checks in the middle of the performance to see who's there on the other side: the glow illuminating your several and separate chins, reflecting the moisture; glinting in your downcast eyes, immediately interrupting and taking your seat side neighbors out of the show.  

Are you the friend who apologizes when they "really have to take this."  

Are you the Borg:  the Pod People: slaves to the Little Glowing Screen: the stuff of life reduced to the buzz, the clever ring tone, the immediacy of emoji fluff: the gnur of life made manifest when your LGS insistingly insists to attend! goddammit!!  and respond? 


Gosh.. where did all of that come from? 

Coincidentally... right now!   A Geico commercial depicts a young couple on the side of a beautiful fountain. He kneels to propose. Her phone goes off!  Twice!!  It's reminds me of that nosy person who interrupts your important conversation in a social setting without a clue that their rude behavior is rude at all.  

This is not at all where I expected today's entry to become.  Oh well. 

May 29, 2016
michael sheehan 

Saturday, May 28, 2016


May 28, 2016

Sinking and floating and floating and sinking distracted and focused and anxious and still in the middle, stuck in the middle with me.

Jealousy .. the green eyed monster (was that Othello?) ..  Working like anything and not working on the art. Wondering about jealousy and being in trouble and what's next and not being embarrassed to die. 

Disjointed and connected and floating and sinking with the notion that really and truly one really cares.  Oh.. that's depression.  Eat food..not too much or you'll burst!  Be still and be active and be.  just Be.. 

An old cartoon panel comes to mind:  A hipster  is carrying a sign: "I'd rather be Red than Dead!"  Another guy, a conservative is carrying a similar sign: "I'd rather be Dead than Red!".. and a little kid on a tricycle has a little sign that reads, "I rather just Be."  

Memories are flooding and floating and the sun shines and the life goes on.  Missing Steve Julian's memorial at the Ace today.  Had another commitment that reared up.  I hope that he gets a terrific send off and that many warm hugs will float his wife, Felicia, closer to the surface.

Sixteen cardboard blocks are on their way to me. The Open Call at LAMAG will announce the times for artists to deliver work soon.  There's an overlap conflict with the Brand Associates 44th annual Works on Paper that I was in years ago. Guess I'll miss it this year.. unless..  hmm  Juried by Laddie John Dill who did not like the stuff I submitted a while back.  Famous LA artist.  Highly conceptual stuff that I like, he makes. 

May 28, 2016

Friday, May 27, 2016


May 27, 2016

Karen Kondazian is an actress whom I know only slightly. She has worked with major names throughout her career, including Tennessee Williams. On Facebook today, she posted this quote from the playwright: Tom... 

“Everything that is tearing us down today will become a memory, and this memory will be shared as an anecdote or a story or a poem or a play or a warning. It will be shared with another human being, who will then understand that he is not alone in his sadness. This is why we show up for others and tell our tales and listen to others. The great congregation meets daily, and you are someone’s angel today.”  

Tennessee Williams Interview w/ James Grissom

Who is your angel today? 

Memories play a more and more important part in my life as I marvel at how different remembrances continue to be prompted by daily activities and  through mysterious connections that bubble up almost constantly: random and quantum leaps of thoughts.  Williams calls his The Glass Menagerie 'a memory play' and now, just writing these words, I return to college days with an amazing set by Welby Wolfe on the stage I hope will one day be named for him in Frasier Hall in The (now) Langworthy Theatre.  Tom was played by a student actor Dallas Martin.  The actress who played Amanda, Lynn Johnstone. Fine actors. Laura's face I can see.. a slight blonde girl .. and Lang.. holding court from the house.  

Arriving early for an audition yesterday, I had the unique and wonderful experience of bumping into a very talented lady I met a long time ago. Another great memory.  We were reading for the same part!!   

May 27, 2016

Thursday, May 26, 2016


May 26, 2016

Early image of the hillside!  Sunshine!

As I work on the submission that I hope will be accepted to the Open Call at the LAMAG in Barnsdall Park in Hollywood, my ideas change and change again.  Saving $$ is a goal and having a piece that reminds of what Chris Burden always said, "Be sure that the work looks neat!"

With the changes I decided on today, I'll save some money on fabrication and materials.  The piece will still be 'big' but..  more manageable.  


Went to the COLA show at the Muncipal Gallery today and was impressed with several of the pieces and some of the concepts.  The show is slightly uneven with some lighting being helpful and other installations lit in a rather flat way. 

My favorite piece is Won Ju Lim's   take on Duchamp's Bicycle Wheel: two bike rims are combined with a 16mm movie editing machine. 

"Turn Handle" invites visitors to watch a few frames of an old Black and White film.  The artist has also installed a movie that surveys lots of Los Angeles neighborhoods.  

 This C.O.L.A. show is filled with impressive big, big pieces.  Another installation by Keiko Fukazawa honors Chinese artist Ai WeiWei including a gorgous bicycle covered with bisque flowers standing in a 'shower' of ceramic buds strung on monofilament line. Beautifully installed. 

May 26, 2016

Wednesday, May 25, 2016


May 25, 2016

Why would Pat Willson say this view from my porch is a 'morningmare?'  Does she see spooks in the trees? Rorschachs?   It's an odd feeling to feel dismissed or insulted directly. I wonder if she meant to be mean?  Insulting?  If I am insulted by bad behavior All I have to do is ignore it, I guess. And! delete it!  

This morning, a man showed up at the Anaheim Convention Center with a pinata looking like the Orange Man.  He had a ticket, but, he was ejected from the hall.  A black woman supporter of the OMan declared that the presumptive candidate would be good for the USA.  Wiring and being taken in?  

I was shocked and appalled to see a huge Anaheim Police armored vehicle parked by the Convention Center.  The military hardware being gifted to local police departments is making them look more and more like .. well.. the MILITARY..  The shape of some helmets for actual military soldiers... as well as for the police are frighteningly similar to the helmets worn by  German forces in WWII.  

Feeling insulted by an old friend in public on Facebook?  Easy fix.  Delete her rude remark.   Why she would be so rude is a mystery.  Or was she being funny?  I like my view!  I think she's a unique talent.  Just a mystery.

It's been a week since my birth day and today, I'll see a true friend in Long Beach: The Hawk! A coupon!  A nice chat.  Disney smiles. I'd bet she likes the view from my porch!

This is an odd post, huh?  A chilly morning with 'stars' I've never heard of appearing on the Channel Five News  talking about shows I've never heard of on Cable channels I didn't know existed.  Ohmygoodness.. the 21st Century! Wow!

I wonder if it's 'insulting' to Pat Willson to be outed for making what I perceived as a rude remark that no longer exists on FB?  Am I intentionally being 'insulting' or just expressing my hurt feelings?  Life goes on. 

May 25, 2016

Tuesday, May 24, 2016


May 24, 2016

I have no idea how I'll eventually install all of the daily photos from my porch.  The idea would be to have them in a line... a single row where folks would move counterclockwise to encounter them like a slide show or a movie.  Perhaps mounting them on a long roll of butcher paper and making a maze that would hang from the ceiling in a gallery would work?  Here we go 'round? And, round?

Every day when I get to this part of my daily entries for One Hundred Days.. and have now gone well beyond a hundred..  I let the first thought that I have in mind become the Subject.  Petanque is on my mind a lot these days as I coax the City of Glendale to manicure a patch of dirt behind the Adult Rec Center to be a good place to play the game.  They mostly ignore me.  I started to say that I wished that I was a better politician, but that means coming up with ways to say things that are diplomatic and shaped to garner all the attention to a cause you can.  If I could just be totally honest and do that, that would be great. I now see the terrible "political" crap that is mounting in political races right now and it makes me feel dirty.  

As the race for the Democratic candidate comes to a head with literally thousands of young people rallying to support Mr. Sanders and rich people are invited to Beverly Hills to meet Mrs. Clinton, I wonder if things will all wash out in the long run? Just having read that Colorado Governor John Wright Hickenlooper may be on a list to run w/ Mrs. Clinton as a VP candidate, should she win the race to represent the Dems, that seems interesting.  Hickenlooper seems to me to be a straight shooter and I'll do more research via Colorado friends to see if they agree.  I would hope that should the tide turn for Sanders, that he might consult Hickenlooper, or another progressive and honest sounding leader would join with him to bring in all of the Democrats in these dark times.

Someone posted a quote from Joseph Heller's Catch 22 on FB today over the face of the Orange Man.  The cynical novel and wonderful movie that points up how crazy people can be is a favorite of mine. The quote bears repeating:  

“It was miraculous. It was almost no trick at all, he saw, to turn vice into virtue and slander into truth, impotence into abstinence, arrogance into humility, plunder into philanthropy, thievery into honor, blasphemy into wisdom, brutality into patriotism, and sadism into justice. Anybody could do it; it required no brains at all. 

It merely required no character.” 

Thank you, Joseph Heller.  We need all the help we can get to see through the veil of half truths and out right lies. 

 In California, it is now too late to register to vote in the primaries.  Hopefully, by the time November rolls around, everyone eligible to vote will have understood the importance of this election.  I used to say that Donald Duck could be the President and things would go along about the same. We got GWB and I now see that I was wrong! However, if we allow the United States to succumb to bigotry and hatred, it might be a good thing?  The world will erupt just like the last scenes of DR. STRANGELOVE and then..  in time.. humans may come back to life in the tatters of post nuclear war with sticks and stones for weapons and a lot of cleaning up to do? 

May 24, 2016



Monday, May 23, 2016


May 23, 2016

It's Duncan Hopwood's Birthday!  He doesn't log on to FB, so hundreds of folks whom he probably doesn't know can't tag him and wish him well, so... I'm wishing him well here.  He looks like a Taurus, but is just over the line.. Happy Gemini! 

Sadly, David Somerville passed away last year just shy of his 82nd birthday.  He was the consummate entertainer.  Tribute after tribute in song and love rolled forth at The Ice House in Pasadena yesterday. The band that he had worked with for years supported a host of friends including Bill Medley, Jimmie Rodgers and Dodi Stevens paying respects to the man who touched the lives of literally millions and millions of people around the world. 

I was fortunate to know David.  The last time we got together for lunch at The Good Neighbor in Studio City, it was as though no time had gone by over the time that had passed since we'd last said hello.  David survived cancer for years.  

"Diamond Dave" loved his family and his friends and his fans.  His family and a couple of hundred friends showed up to pay tribute to his life beautifully produced by his wife of over twenty years, Denise Somerville and friends. His music remains in the very fabric of American Culture. David's singing partner, Bruce Belland, (Belland and Somerville, The Diamonds and Bruce's group, The Four Preps!)
told stories and sang and brought the memorial to a glorious close with everyone singing Little Darlin', The Diamonds' signature tune that topped the charts in the late Fifties for weeks.  

A wonderful treat! Landa Somerville, David's son with his first wife, Judy, played guitar and sang a tribute to his dad. The last time I saw Landa, he was in his crib in a beauty of a house overlooking Hollywood and Highland.  When I introduced myself, he said, "I thought you looked familiar!"  The young man has his dad's warmth and his very own style that,  I hope, will take him along the pathway of music laid out by David.  He really is terrific.  Landa's wife, Katie,  gave a tender and heart rending tribute by telling of meeting Landa in Telluride and falling in love. Through tears she told of how she and Landa returned to California, bringing her 'home' and how David had totally embraced the couple. David and Denise, shared their tiny home  in the Hollywood Hills with Landa and Katie for three years.  

We often use the term 'blessed' to express our gratitude for good things that come into our lives.  Since meeting David Somerville so many years ago and touching base from time to time, his quality of being present and caring are qualities that I'll never forget. Yes. I've been blessed by our connection. And, now again, to spend an afternoon with his friends and family: a blessing, indeed. 

Laughter and tears to celebrate the life a a friend. And music!  Wow!! What a day!  What a wonderful day. 

May 23, 2016


Sunday, May 22, 2016


May 22, 2016

At a nice lunch at the chic Good Girl Diner with Nan and Beau, I was reminded of a 1995 film by  Wayne Wang where Harvey Keitel took photos of the same store in Brooklyn, every day.  It may have been the unconscious inspiration for my daily photos from my porch.  The thing about my porch images is that I like the subtle changes.  In the film Keitel shoots at the same time each day.  Originally, I'd wanted to do that, but my schedule really doesn't allow it. Thus.. we get what we get within a day. The look of the hill across the way is very different in the afternoon as the sun retreats into the west.  In most of my images we see the sun off to the right: the east. 

Today is the memorial for David Somerville at The Ice House in Pasadena.  Depending on how close we are to someone who dies, the depth of our feelings may vary.  David Somerville made you feel like you were the only person in the room when you chatted.  He told stories about Paul Anka sleeping in a bathtub that Dave and the Diamonds had in early days.  He walked you to the car and waved: "Cheers.." or was it "Cheerio!.." With these memories, I am sadder now and at the same time resolved that he is not in pain.  The last time I saw him over a year ago, he was radiant. I didn't know that he was ill.  He was present and alive and smiling and handsome.  He wore his celebrity with honor.  That's saying something.

It'll be a celebration.  Bruce Belland will bat clean up and that will be a treat.  Yes.  

May 22, 2016

Saturday, May 21, 2016


May 21, 2016
No annoying calls today.  Yet.  

Hearing the voices of old friends and seeing personal emails is a very good feeling.  My friend, Duncan, will celebrate his birthday in a couple of days. He calls me on the day of my birthday.  I try to hit his within a week.  He's buying underware on Amazon! And, he got a "Pamplona Red" Hyundai Genesis..  a big old road car!  Luxury!  

Second familiar voice was Bruce Belland, whom I'll see tomorrow.  He wanted to make sure I was RSVP'd for the event to celebrate David Somerville's life.  Bitter sweet..  a friend is gone and his friends all gather to remember. 

The heading for today is a question for the police.  I've just seen crane conservationists use a special 'net gun' to capture Sandhill Cranes by firing a large net that basically ties them up long enough to get them in custody to remove oil that they've been polluted by.   When cops are confronted by suspects who may be armed only with weapons that are not guns, why couldn't they just hit them with a net and subdue them that way?  

On the TV news, I saw a terrible video from somewhere in Georgia where a poor guy was hallucinating  / freaking out and his family called the cops to help get him to a facility where he could be helped.  The police came and in trying to subdue him used a taser multiple times.  The young man died and a cop can be seen on iPhone video saying, "I am fired.." Use of force killed an innocent man.

The use of extreme force is what the police seem to gravitate toward.  It's wrong.  Plain and simple.  Unless they have an active shooter, finding ways to fix things should be the goal.  I mentioned a documentary a few days ago, "Peace Officer" that condemns the virtual murder of two men in Utah.  Chilling.  If you believe we can do better with policing, please find it and watch it.

Of course, my little comments, read by a handful of folks who probably know me and are already aligned with the idea of peaceful solutions to issues, won't carry far.  I wish it did.

Hearing from two of the most important people in my life today lifts me up and I am smiling.  


may 21, 2016

Friday, May 20, 2016


May 20, 2016

One of the font options for Blogger is Trebuchet. I learned the word in Manitou Springs, I think.  The Fords had a catapult (a trebuchet) that they flung things with.  I can't remember what they flung, but I do remember the big concrete bison that Donna Ford made that was part of their annual BBQ where money was raised to promoted and produce the Mountain Music Festival that they held for years.  The Dulcimer Shop is now closed and waiting for another tenant, I think.  Manitou is where my mom and I spent a little while when I was about three.  I still remember walking from the house we stayed in to the Library.  I'd check out the same book every day, read it and return it. 

Nostalgia sustains me now and then.  Today, the old VW bus was ailing with age.  The clutch mechanism, according to the wonderful Brazilian Italian VW guy, Cosmo, was destroyed.  I barely got it to him by running stop signs and lucking into green lights.  He wanted to work on it on Tuesday, but the poor old car was not going anywhere, blocking his driveway. So!  He pulled out the electric welding machine and created a new flange to make the clutch work properly again. "Good for thirty years," he said.  I count myself so lucky to have a guy like this help me with this car.  He's been a friend for many years and I do feel blessed.

David Somerville's memorial will be at The Ice House in Pasadena on Sunday.  I met David long ago at Disneyland when the Park held Hootenannies in Tomorrowland. His initial fame came as lead singer of The Diamonds (The Stroll and Little Darlin'). After leaving The Diamonds,  "Diamond Dave" was doing a single as a folkie  with the moniker:  David Troy (his middle name).  Just a lovely guy.  He later partnered with Bruce Belland (founder of The Four Preps.. still going strong, he'll be a spry eighty in October!).  Belland and Somerville played the Ice House when it was a Folk Haven in the seventies.  It'll be good to see Bruce and to celebrate David's life. 

The bus is on the road again

may20, 2016
michaelsheehan and friend.

Thursday, May 19, 2016


May 19, 2016

Lovely day yesterday.  Quick drive north and east for lunch..  Behind a car with a Big Daddy Roth's Rat Fink sticker on the window brought back memories.   Still marvel that folks can drive ninety miles an hour with impunity and that an LA Sheriff can zoom by doing over eighty with no red lights or siren.   I've proposed flexible speed limits to the Department of Transportation.  That would regulate slow moving traffic so that folks caught off guard who needed to merge off the freeway could do so more easily and with a realisitc top speed, allow for faster traffic when fewer cars are on the road.  They ignore me.  

Traffic complaints aside, I'm looking forward to celebrating the life of David Somerville on Sunday and maybe making it to Beverly Hills for the outdoor art show. Very eclectic.  

May 19, 2016



Wednesday, May 18, 2016


May 18, 2016

Gravity and time.. they do their work.  Carl Sandburg's poem, "Grass" comes to mind.  Sooner or later we all wind up ... in one way or another.. covered up.. by the grass.  Birthdays are a time for reflection.  On Facebook, all kinds of nice comments come in and it's surprising and flattering and a little overwhelming.  I wonder how many of my FB 'friends' I've actually met?  My wake up call this AM from a true blue friend, Duncan Hopwood, was welcome.  His bday is coming up soon. And, my cousin, Jim Shaw's day is soon, too. (Actually, I missed it by two days! May 16th! Dang it!!) These types of calls are special. I am grateful.

I have to hit the Home Depot to get some art supplies. This project for the upcoming Open Call Show at LAMAG continues to change and morph redundantly.  The sullen clerk at the Dollar King won't get a joke or if she does, won't laugh.  I think it's against cultural upbringing or something.  Of course, if I was working at the Dollar King, I might be a little sullen myself.   If this project is accepted, it'll be good fun.  The theme of the Open Call is "Play" so.. that's what this 'sculpture' will entail.  Interactive play.

Those folks whose goal is fame are interesting to me.  I've wanted to be successful, but really not interested much in 'fame' per se.  I got a nice email from an old pal whom I met on The Flintstones, Paul Reubens, with a photo of a half ravished Birthday Cake!  He has dealt with fame in interesting ways.  We are not close now, but I remember running into him at the old Hughes Market on Highland years ago when he was first producing the stage version of The Pee Wee Herman Show.  I asked him how he did that and his response was wonderful.  "I don't know, we are just doing it!" From the Roxy to Broadway!  Good for you, Paul.

A second Colorado call from my shirt tail cousin.. Jim, whom I mentioned above.  The man has a wonderful laugh and we chat.  He was like a big brother to me growing up in Greeley and I was probably more like a Little Bother.  sic.. 

I'm in tears with the receipt of a text from Ken Rugg.  Traditionally, for over twenty years, he and Linda Paszkiewicz and I would celebrate his birthday in  January, mine in May and hers in August.  Now that he's up in Marin County, it's impossible to get the three of us together. His memory is fading, but he took time to Text me today and that is very special.   I really miss him, especially today.  

Here's to art and sunshine.  Do a good deed daily. Yes.. Be Prepared!  Can you hear Tom Lehrer's song?  The Boy Scouts Marching Song!

May 18, 2016

Tuesday, May 17, 2016


May 17, 2016

Oh man..  teasing a hypocrite just isn't any fun any more.  Apologies for an obscure reference, but this guy has threatened a lawsuit for defamation of character, so I won't name names.  It's just interesting that someone is critical of a system that works and rails against it and then participates in it.  

Yes.. too obscure, but that's about all I've got this morning.  The 'phantom robot' called twice this AM, getting me going.  It's one or more computer systems that are just dialing randomly and there is never anyone there.  Ooooops..  there's another one!  The Phantom Strikes Again..  

This is another reminder about the Open Call at the LA Municipal Art Gallery..  They will take all comers (within the guidelines and size restrictions) until six hundred artists have been accepted.  The info on the site is a little confusing.  Delivery dates for artists will be emailed the first part of June, but the actual delivery TIME..  will be later in July or maybe the first part of August, I think.

Twenty bucks to show with an eclectic bunch of artists who range from well established to new comers.  Go for it! 

The Steven Berkoff directed O'Neill play, The Hairy Ape, is beautifully mounted.  This is important classical American Theatre.  Take a drive to The Odyssey for a treat.

May Gray go Away.. 
Sun please shine and warm me up
On my Natal Day..

May 17, 2016

Monday, May 16, 2016


May 16, 2016

Late day.  The Hairy Ape is waiting!  I'll recommend it very highly.  Steven Berkoff's work is admirable.  Review to follow.

These gray days can just cut it out.  It's spring! It's the Merry Month of May for goodness' sakes!  Come on.  Of course, I washed the car a day ago, so it should be raining like anything now.

And, that's that.
May 16, 2016


Sunday, May 15, 2016


May 15, 2016

The LA Municipal Art Gallery's call for artists with their bi annual Open Call is up and running.  It's a great way to meet artists of all stripes and plaids, too.  Twenty bucks supports the gallery and you are guaranteed acceptance if you meet the basic requirements.  Check this site for info and get your application in early, as they are only taking six hundred artists this year.

 Excited to be seeing The Hairy Ape by Eugene O'Neill today at The Odyssey.  Directed by Steven Berkoff, it should be a great ride.  

Saw more art yesterday at the Santa Fe Art Colony: reconnected with Jayme Odgers who has a wonderful lithograph up for sale for only $200.00!! Met the wonderful Mary Bonic, 84, who needs tutoring on her Macintosh.  

Then, headed up to South Pas for a tiny gallery opening with fine work by locals there.  I may have even found another petanque enthusiast! 

Guess I'm not on a soapbox today.  Please consider applying for the Open Call.  The gallery is an egalitarian place where meeting artists new and old is a lot of fun.  

May 15, 2016