
Saturday, May 28, 2016


May 28, 2016

Sinking and floating and floating and sinking distracted and focused and anxious and still in the middle, stuck in the middle with me.

Jealousy .. the green eyed monster (was that Othello?) ..  Working like anything and not working on the art. Wondering about jealousy and being in trouble and what's next and not being embarrassed to die. 

Disjointed and connected and floating and sinking with the notion that really and truly one really cares.  Oh.. that's depression.  Eat food..not too much or you'll burst!  Be still and be active and be.  just Be.. 

An old cartoon panel comes to mind:  A hipster  is carrying a sign: "I'd rather be Red than Dead!"  Another guy, a conservative is carrying a similar sign: "I'd rather be Dead than Red!".. and a little kid on a tricycle has a little sign that reads, "I rather just Be."  

Memories are flooding and floating and the sun shines and the life goes on.  Missing Steve Julian's memorial at the Ace today.  Had another commitment that reared up.  I hope that he gets a terrific send off and that many warm hugs will float his wife, Felicia, closer to the surface.

Sixteen cardboard blocks are on their way to me. The Open Call at LAMAG will announce the times for artists to deliver work soon.  There's an overlap conflict with the Brand Associates 44th annual Works on Paper that I was in years ago. Guess I'll miss it this year.. unless..  hmm  Juried by Laddie John Dill who did not like the stuff I submitted a while back.  Famous LA artist.  Highly conceptual stuff that I like, he makes. 

May 28, 2016

1 comment:

  1. Michael - this is very relatable to me! that sensation of feeling lost, knowing there is much to do, but somehow, focus, focus... just missing. time to breathe, be hopeful... not able to relate much to the end; sounds like a to do list, which is what usually distracts me from art to begin with!
