
Tuesday, July 12, 2016


July 12, 2016

I almost always start my day tabula rasa.. a blank slate.  Sometimes I'm awakened by a robocall oh..  there's the robot again!  It used to be annoying, but now it's a sound that briefly interrupts, adding texture to the day and in a way is, if not welcome, just something to fill a void. 

Over a year ago, Steve Julian pointed out the difference between the attitudes of men and women who wear the Blue.  Are the cops 'Warriors' or are they 'Guardians?'   A photo on FB this morning, every bit as dramatic as the viral photo of the  young woman being approached by hostile cops a couple of days ago, this one is of a pretty red head holding a sign that reads "Love."  She's in her twenties, long red hair.. she is benign and lovely.  In the next photo, she is being held in a strangle hold by one cop while another puts plastic cuffs on her.  Shameful.  And, shocking.
This is from #blacklivesmatter in Baton Rouge, LA.   

What is the answer?  Love, of course. But, with the anger and fear that the police seem to thrive on, with the employment of the robot bomb in Dallas and a more military 'look' to uniforms and tactics and police vehicles that look like tanks, AND... with many of the cops former military personnel, how can we expect them to behave any other way?  This trend is becoming... daily.... more toward the attitude of the Warrior.  Regardless of the occasional story of a cop and a citizen warmly hugging, my anecdotal experience has been that the police enjoy their uniforms and the intimidating power that comes with being buff and tough.   I interviewed a cop one time (attempting to get out of a ticket!) and he told me that if he wasn't a cop, he'd probably go back into the military.  I asked him why? He responded immediately:  "I like the uniform."  He was a motor officer and the boots alone were enough to seduce someone who 'likes the uniform.'

The days of Mayberry and Sheriff Andy Taylor are so far in the past that many folks reading this may not even get the reference.  I always like to go back to that old TV show for a reference to guns.  Andy's deputy, Barney Fife, wanted to be a Warrior, but he had Andy to keep him in line.  Barney was allowed to carry a revolver, but the deal was that he could only have one bullet. That bullet was not to be in the gun, but in his buttoned shirt pocket.  Maybe it's time to take a hint from London Bobbies and give our American cops training in becoming Guardians again.. and to leave their guns in their cars and start policing with an attitude of being of assistance: guarding us from danger, not enforcing with an iron glove. 

The memorial for the "Fallen Five" in Dallas is now in progress.  GW Bush reads his eulogy to the fallen officers in Dallas.  The man is not articulate.  The speech was probably written by someone else.  Bush is wearing a blue tie!
It's a good speech: heartfelt... but ... doubtfully written by him.

Dallas Police Chief David Brown quotes Stevie Wonder "I'll be lovin' you.."  The man is truly articulate and presents the polar opposite of what we may think a cop is supposed to be like.  He introduces President Obama.  Wow. 

Obama eulogizes each slain officer with personal anecdotes.  Very personal.  Forty minutes calling for a rejection of despair.  Touching.  

It all comes down to communication.  If we respect each other enough to engage in heartfelt communication, at least we have made an effort. This is important in all relationships... at least to me.  Share your heart and be kind.  

July 12, 2014

1 comment:

  1. Beautifully written. It is time for the pendulum to swing. Hope we can do it. xxoogg
