
Wednesday, August 17, 2016


August 17, 2016

My early education had little to do with much.  What an odd sentence.

But, my mom must have had other priorities or I was such a recalcitrant kid that she gave up on me.  I do remember about the income and the out go, though.  We paid our bills. Everything except one debt was paid off every month.  The ongoing bill was a mortgage, which I was never really taught much about,  But!!  dutifully rode my bike to the office where the debt was owed and with cash made a payment.  

This is on my mind today because I love it that more folks are reading these, my ramblings.  I leave the link on Facebook because I don't really want to share my daily thoughts just willy nilly.. and I'm wondering how to monetize my own writing here? Any ideas?


I've pissed and moaned about the following topic and am going to again.  Self importance and interruptions.  I had a friend who was a college professor (actually more than one professor friend) who was into lecturing.  That meant that there was no discussion. An 'interjection' was an INTERRUPTION! AND NOT ACCEPTABLE... Of course, a discussion or an actual conversation is an exchange.  That's a back and forth that turns on the central topic.  One of my professor friends actually confessed that they were only thinking about what they wanted to say next when another person was talking!  A big confession, but a true one.  They were self centered and unapologetic.   

I have known another PhD who really doesn't have discussions.  They lecture.  If one is smart, you just listen.. Heaven forfend that one would interject a question or an idea.  One must patiently listen and not try to ask a question or interject as they have the ability to seldom take a breath and your input really is not necessary. Thank you.

This all turns on seeing reports on Facebook and in real life where someone puts out an idea.  A natural thing, to me, would be to comment in such a way as to find out more about that idea. What I actually see is folks immediately making whatever the initial topic is about their experience.  I guess we all do it.  But, to me, what that does is to totally diminish the initial idea.  Takes the wind right out of their sails!  

Oh my..  I just realized that that metaphor really is from sailing! Of course.. And,  that I have actually experienced it on the water. When one sail boat gets between the wind and another boat sailing in the same direction, the first boat is literally left without power!  The wind has been stolen from the first boat's sails!  In a race, this is a smart move by the skipper of the second boat, to go 'up wind' but in a conversation, it's not nice.

Of course, my college professors feel as though an interjection :  an Interruption.. does that to their diatribe: steals their wind. So..  finding a way to interject and keep a conversation moving forward is a challenge.  

Asking questions should be a good thing.  

I guess it depends on the situation.  Some folks just have a need to be listened to and their inability to take a breath and allow for interjections may never happen.  If one just lectures on and on and then is upset when they finally come to the end and there really is no way to respond and the other person just goes off on another topic, that's probably natural?   If the lecture ends with a question... like  "What do you think?" That would include the lecturee who is now invited to participate.  What do you think?

And.. this all comes up because I am annoyed with  the folks who interrupt an on going chat in a social situation with no idea that it's rude or inconsiderate.  I suppose that we all do that from time to time because a social situation is usually pretty casual and superficial: social! Probably not the time for a more intimate discussion.  One should expect to be interrupted and make an appointment for later!?  hah.

I'm all over the map today? Evidently.  No apologies.. Bottom line?  Listen and learn.  Only interject when the other guy is capable of having a real discussion.  Only 'interrupt' when you have to go to the bathroom! Then, go! 

August 16, 2016

1 comment:

  1. I have much experience with non breathers and pre listeners. Hahaha and up until the last few years people told me things, I found out later that was because I was a good listener. Hmmmmm hope I still am.
