
Tuesday, August 30, 2016


August 30, 2016

If we are lucky, we are passing fair in our lives.  Last night.. well, early this morning, I couldn't sleep. Finished the Dashiel Hammett "Red Harvest" which had nothing to do with Reds or Harvesting, but a strange mish mash of hard boiled chatter and crime and prohibition hooch ..  It's no "Maltese Falcon."  

I turned to writing on a dry erase board, photographing what I'd written and then erasing it.  Evaporation.

That reminded me of a film I'd seen at MoCA years ago of an artist doing some very fine brush rendering on a flat gray stone. It might have been street pavement.  As a portrait was completed, it began to evaporate.  Like the "Zen Art" kits I've seen in museum stores, 'painting' on a paper surface, rendering or writing, it all evaporates.   I wonder if one of my cardboard 'cubes' at the LAMAG would take water painting and then evaporate?  Too late now.. 

Evaporation is happening..  Entropy.  Time and tide and all that.    Gravity and time.  The death of Gene Wilder and the revelation that he was suffering from Alzheimer's disease speaks to how our lives change.  Too soon old and too late smart?  I think daily of my old pal, Rugg, more and more in the present at the age of 82 and counting. Missing our banter is with me daily.

I really need help with rearranging stuff at my home.  Finding a patient friend is now problematic as I had an impatient friend who has abandoned our connection and finding someone who can be trusted and cool becomes a challenge.  My memory retreats to a Hamlet soliloquy and energy to move forward grinds slowly.. slowly.. down.

This should be depressing.  However, like Pandora's releasing the woes of the world .. there's still a bit of hope..  Yes.. there's Hope and that is the answer right now.  Hope.  

Please direct all suggestions to:
directortv41at yahoo

August 30, 2016

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