
Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Wednesday Jeopardy Test Day!

January 27, 2016
It's Wednesday.  
Yesterday was a gorgeous spring day in Glendale. I took the cover off the bus and spent the day having lunch up in La Crescenta and then driving streets I've never explored here.  For years neighbors here in eclectic south Glendale / Adams Hill have lobbied the City to do something about speeding traffic.  One thing that seems to not work at all is called 'traffic calming.'  A dozen eletronic signs were erected around the city at the cost of $9,800.87.  E A C H! (The eighty seven cents always made me wonder.)   A stop sign costs about $200.00 to install.  The head of Glendale Transportation told me with a straight face that Stop Signs just don't work.  Well, I was on the phone with him, but he  sounded like he was was telling the truth.  As a person who stops for stop signs, I found it hard to believe.  
We've also lobbied for speed bumps to 'calm' traffic.  Can't remember the guy on the phone whom I asked about that, but his response was, "Oh, you mean 'ramps.'"  "Ramps?" I said. He went on to explain that they do not slow traffic either, so cars go air born off of them. 
My point.. driving around on the other side of town, north of the 134...  the scenic and expensive side of Glendale, I found the residential streets that were well traveled had speed bumps all over the place.  It was dangerous to try to drive faster than fifteen miles an hour.  There were lots of stop signs, too. This wasn't really a nuisance because the homes and trees are really beautiful.  I enjoyed driving along Mountain and then to Kenneth on the way to Brand Park. The point, of course, is that  apparently the City of Glendale caters  to the rich folks in ways it seems to  disregard in  other neighborhoods.  

Of course, my grousing about it won't make much difference.  And, I'm glad that the pedestrians who walk those neighborhoods are safe.  I just wish that there was a bit of parity here in the southerly climes of our town.  

Just reread this diatribe. You made it this far!  Pretty boring.. Unless, of course, you try to make a turn onto Adams Street where parked cars block your vision and the laughable speed limit of 25mph is seldom observed as drivers speed up the hill. 
 January 27, 2016

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