
Saturday, January 30, 2016

POST ART / PRE RAIN? 1/30/16

January 30, 2016

Post LA Art Show.. 
Once a day Issai Tanaka prepares a gigantic panel and using sumi ink and a mop like brush, creates one kanji word.   4PM today at the 
Los Angeles Convention Center and then again tomorrow, Sunday 1/31/16 at 4. Wear comfortable shoes.  Parking on the other side of the freeway might be found.  Pico/Union is a notorious neighborhood, but I saw grannies w/ their kids and others who seemed right at home.  

There is a troll under the bridge!  
He sits in the middle of mounds of black trash bags and does not speak.  Living under a bridge, I wondered about where he went to the bathroom.. or even if trolls ever go to the bathroom.  There were no billy goats to be seen, so we can figure what his diet must be.  Yikes.

The LA Art Show covers acres of space.  The work ranges from the silly to the sublime.  I ran into Nancy Cartwright for a brief chat. She said that she's making art now.. paintings and sculptures.  I bragged to her friends what a terrific Trivial Pursuits player she was years ago when we were negotiating the first Animation Contract for SAG.   Long ago.

I used to think that Show Business was tough.  The Art World may be tougher.  The subjectivity of what 'art' is and what an artist might sell and why anyone would own any of it all turns on the tastes of rich folks who collect or some trippy artist like Banksy who just lays it out ... or Basquiat? Who get discovered? Damian Hirst?   How artists become darlings is a mystery, but if it moves you, then.. there ya go.   Of course, there are major personalities to be considered.  One of the most reviled 'artists' (to those who have strong opinions) rendered beautiful and quaint little village scenes that he reproduced and had a factory of helpers who added texture and points of 'light' to make them prettier.  Photo rendering and laying on of paint is 'art' to some.   Sometimes it's pretty.   I deliberately neglected to mention his name.  

Since shooting the porch photo above, we have some sun in Glendale!  The prediction of El Nino ˜~ um.. can't get the tilde over the 'n.'  Oh well. The prediction may come true, but right now, the sky is blue and the sun shines. 

January 30, 2016

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