
Friday, November 4, 2016


November 4, 2016

I have the TV on sitting here daily as I respond to email and check to see what kind of mischief I can find.  A story comes on from South Carolina regarding a young woman who has been chained in a shipping container for the past two months.  The property was being investigated by the local South Carolina police on another matter and heard her banging on the walls of her prison.

I only mention it because it's just amazing that there are human beings who are capable of this crazy behavior.  It brings me back to the election and the sad fact (to me) that there are US Citizens who will vote for the republicant. Even my old Colorado pal whose politics seem to be built on (to me) very odd and wonky analogies tells me he'll vote republican.  Sadly, he really believes what he believes, stoked by Rush Limbaugh and the 'truths' from the Drudge Report.  Like the religious folks I have mentioned a while back, if you really believe and have evidence that seems real to you, then, there you are.  
I'm easily distracted these days.  Found myself working on some artwork on the deck and thinking about the answers that people want especially when seeing abstract art. "What does it mean?"  Words about art are, to me, seldom   useful..  perhaps peeking into the creative process?..  but I like it when the work is just 'the work' and means whatever the viewer might think it means. This abstract stuff I've started really is just about the process.. but.. it dawned on me that it might be about how fickle and fleeting our lives really are.  

Fickle life:  Greg Wollford, a former student, was a brilliant kid. Shy and a little nerdy, he went off to UC Irvine for college and had a brilliant career ahead of him. Died in a car crash.   What does it mean? We mourn.  We go on. What does it mean? 

I've decided that it's all just a part of what we are and what we are doing.  The palpable fears that come with this looming election are Palpable.  Sadly, the millions who hope to put a sociopath into the highest office in the land.. maybe in the world.. really think that it's a good idea! Drama.. conflict?  Every good story needs a victim in a shipping container and a bad person in power: Ming the Merciless?  Jaba the Hut? George the Clueless? 

I am not sure I find much conflict in my artwork, really, unless you make it up for yourself. Fifty years ago Steven Stills wrote a song: For What It's Worth "Stop, children, what's that sound?" Prophetic... If you are not familiar with the lyrics.. this anthem from 1966 still speaks volumes to the issues of today.  Drama / Conflict.  "Singing songs and carrying signs..." might be replaced a bit by Twitter and Facebook, but the call to reason and Peace as well as the call for derision is still loud and clear. 

Shun the Orange!

November 4, 2016

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