
Saturday, June 18, 2016


June 18, 2016

I seldom get up this early.  The art project has me in revision and creation and revision and creation and... mode... and.. so the view from the porch is pretty neat.  Warm temperatures predicted again. Off to the air conditioned DGA for Lewis Carroll's Through The Looking Glass initially penned by Linda Wolverton whom I met years ago in Long Beach. Tim Burton produces, but is not at the helm with the original actors back for a second term. 

We went to see Impro Theatre Company do their version of Tennessee Williams last night at The Falcon.  I'll review the show at onstagelosangeles in a few minutes since I can't get back to sleep.  For theatre lovers, this is A MUST SEE!!  AND.. if you can ever make it to the opening night at The Falcon, Garry Marshall pulls out all the stops for a buffet that is never ending and simply wonderful. "Eat?  Eat!!"  he smiles and is the best host ever. 

The deck is full of my art project for the LAMAG and I need to figure out a canopy for it now that birds and what appears to be tiny droplets of moisture keep depositing on the deck are plaguing. I'm hoping that the moisture is just dew coming down. The birds, thankfully, are not all that poopy. 

Doing a sharp turn in memory ...  Toby Sue is a little Hahn's Macaw whom I shared with Lee Arnone.  She was an amazing pet who became like a daughter to me. She was, perhaps, the most honest creature I have ever met. If she was happy, she was very happy.. If she was upset, there was no mistaking it! It was lightning fast and there might be blood!  I have not seen her for many, many years, but parrots are long lived and I hope to meet her again.  

Now, Garrison Keillor's admontion comes to mind: "Be well, do good work and keep in touch."

June 18, 2016
NORTON AND CURSON Hollywood, California

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