
Tuesday, December 20, 2016


December 20, 2016

Tomorrow will be the last day for this project.  

Solstice holds promise in these dark days.. the literally dark days will turn tomorrow, the longest night of the  year, to winter and the days will grow longer once again.  The pall that drapes the United States of America will lift, eventually, as folks recover from the deep depression of spirit that I know I share with friends.   


I have suggested that we find hundreds and thousands of VHS copies of "Howard the Duck" to send to Washington, D.C. on January 20th. If you don't get the reference, give it some thought.  I think my personal response to my failed lobbying of electors and the subsequent fear that has dampened the spirits of concerned folks across the country must find a way to survive. To me, fighting is not the answer.  The way to harmony, for me, is by finding that crack that Leonard Cohen reminds us of.  The crack in everything. That's how the light gets in.  

The attitude of the 'proud republicants' and the tone of their false victory along with the discrimination against people of color rising again is despicable.  

Having been attacked personally by one orangman supporter, it cuts to the quick. The tone of these people is contrary to civil discourse and the evil that seems to ooze from some of them is palpable. How to survive evil is an important question.  Exposing it may be a start.  There is evil abroad and shining a light on it may turn even the most dedicated conservative.

My current mode is to hunker down.  This is the next to  last post for this journal.  Tomorrow, I'll have made 366 images from my porch across the valley and will next figure out how to display all of them, going back to December 21, 2015.  
Winter Solstice used to be a celebration with artists who shared their talents at The Church in Ocean Park.  If that celebration is still going on, I've long since been winnowed out of the loop.

Bob and Stephanie will no longer host the Rose Parade.  A selfish and bizarre person may be inaugurated as President of the United States.. or as Time Magazine has noted "The Divided States of America."  Derision and division ..  darn it.. A real President: Abraham Lincoln, told us long ago.. 

"a house divided against itself, cannot stand.." 

We are living in a divided time.  Shame on all of us for allowing this to go so far.   What a shame. 
How to fix an amorphous and genuinely bad situation?  Like nailing Jello to the wall.  We must find a way. 

Send "Howard the Duck" on VHS to the steps of the capitol building.  There's a statement for ya.

Sadly, this chayote may speak to this situation all too well.  

December 20, 2016

  Chayote 12/20/16

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