
Sunday, April 10, 2016


April 10, 2016
Late image from the porch. Now and then really interesting clouds appear.  Reminds of what some artists say they want to explore: 'negative space.' The dark days tend to put me into a negative space and I pull the kivvers up and snooze or read.  Of course, wading through LIGHT IN AUGUST isn't about to lift one's spirits much unless the poetry of Faulkner in all it's splendor reaches into the heart, as it often does.  

Holly Tempo and another artist, Dorit Cypis, sponsored a discussion with high school students and others who came to the LA Municipal Art Gallery to see the current show "Skin" and discuss race and discrimination in our culture.  Two of the young women in the group I sat in on were first time visitors to an art museum. They were articulate and expressed real feelings about their lives.   As a white male, it was interesting to hear from a Mexican, an East Indian, a Japanese, a mixed race, an African American and two Hispanics.   Eye opening. 

My Subject here: Who's in Charge, turns on one of the questions that dealt with authority.  Ultimately, I think that each of us must be in charge of our own destiny.  To ask for permission to live one's life is simply: wrong.  To be hindered by unreasonable rules seems to be what we cave in to most.  If the rule is 'because I said so,' it needs to be carefully examined and challenged.  Not always easy to do, especially for those of us who feel that we are not in power.  We learn, in time, that life is not fair.   To stand before a tank in Tiananmen Square is a way.  To march in a line against tyranny is a way.  How we each may find a way to freedom is such an individual choice and the way is fraught with rules and those whose ideas would prefer that the yoke of the powers that be remain in place.  

Quite a fancy tirade as I sit here in the comfort of my home with a refrigerator full of nourishment and a cupboard with some soup. 

April 10, 2016

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