
Tuesday, December 29, 2015

DECEMBER 29, 2015

TUESDAY..  Tuesday..  Tuesday.. 
 There used to be a lone palm tree on the horizon / crest of the hill across the way. Maybe it's just to the left where Marie Bagg's big old pine tree now encroaches.  Marie was the 'Mayor' of Cambridge Drive and walked with her doggie, Lucky, up hill and down dale almost every day. She picked weeds in her yard by bending in half and never bending her knees.   The big old pine tree was planted by her niece, Nadine, who grew up with Marie and her WWII husband, Bob.  

When Bob passed away, well into his eighties, Marie and Lucky struggled along until, the story goes, one day an intruder came to Marie's door and kicked the dog and ransacked the place.  Nadine came almost immediately and swept Marie away.  Neighbors didn't even have time to say goodbye.  Gravity and time are relentless.  

I called Marie on the phone when I learned that she had been placed in 'the home.'  She did not remember Cambridge Drive nor the forty  years that she and Bob had lived here.  She was a war bride from Belgium and her French accent was so very charming.  

One day, a lady friend of hers visiting from Belgium excitedly came to get me.  She spoke only French, but it was clear that Marie was in trouble.  We went into the house.. Marie was sitting in Bob's chair.   She looked dazed.  She spoke to me in French and to her friend in English.  My French from college was really marginal, but we worked out that Marie had had a small episode, but seemed to be recovering.  We worked out the language thing and all was well for a while.   Funny how the sunshine on a big old pine tree brings back memories. 

December 29, 2015

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