
Friday, August 18, 2017


August 18, 2017

I got on a roll this morning spinning off of a post on FB by a friend of a friend all smacked out in angry caps about the removal of monuments to the Confederacy and the Civil War.  This guy was really upset and ranted (my take on ALL BIG OLD CAPS!!) about "destruction of public property and private property" and such.  I got to thinking about what to do to appease the current limbic / knee jerk reaction to the state of the nation and symbols. I googled Stone Mountain, Georgia.  Fascinating information:
Is this History, Art or propaganda?
Issues like the current truckload of trouble being delivered to the United States need to be examined objectively and, hopefully not over ridden by mob rule.  

This is what I wrote in response to Mr. McCain (not that McCain!) on Facebook: 

"I am noticing the angry CAPS! that Clark McCain is using here. This is part and parcel of the "Tone" that I hear from some people who would probably agree with him. I used the term 'tone' in referring to the way that some folks express themselves, which sort of gives them away. Angry knee jerk reactions are easy here on FB and this one of his is typical. Stone Mountain is historical art that maybe supersedes this angry reactionary 'stuff' regarding Confederate history. Watch out for reactions like this. Really. WATCH OUT! They might be dangerous.   I visited Stone Mountain years ago and did not see it as an affront (Years before "ban the stars and bars" and this current president's influence on us). That said.. Let's take a deep breath and consider that monuments to Johnny Reb may be a lead off point for discussions about why we had a Civil War. What would have happened had the South won? 

Screen the films Shenandoah and Gone With The Wind, The Red Badge of Courage or the Twilight Zone's "The Passersby".. or hum Shel Silverstein's Civil War Song. USE CAPS WHEN YOU NEED TO.. But be aware that most folks don't much cotton to being yelled at. I don't."

When we expend our energy in anger, it takes away some of the reason for being mad. It's difficult to be reasonable under the influence of adrenaline and righteous indignation.  

That said, I think that reminders of the terrible history that we have been through need to be preserved, if for no other reason than to keep us mindful of mistakes and the reasoning from the past.  Johnny Reb was an American who had been taught prejudice and still today, my Georgia cousin, Little Redneck and her uncle "Up To Our Eyeballs In Niggers"  have been taught their heritage and, sadly, live it to this day.  They are two of millions down below the Mason Dixon Line who may tattoo the Stars and Bars on their bodies and fly the Rebel Flag from their oversized pickups to make sure that we never forget. 

I may never understand this rancor, but reasonable people will inch our way into the cracks that lead to something better.  It is irresistible to not quote Leonard Cohen, 
"There's a crack in everything. 
That's how the light gets in.".

When we seek the light, well.. things may be illuminated. 

Michael Sheehan
August 18, 2017


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