July 16, 2016
Now and then we must do a self evaluation. I've been accused blatantly of being a selfish person. I've copped to it in a way because everything I do for someone else, is, ultimately, for me. I enjoy helping other folks and have a hard time asking for help myself. The dust up that provoked this accusation came out of a misunderstanding that I have apologized for and am truly sorry for and did not intend for it to be such an issue. Or an Issue at all! I believe that we are human beings and if we make mistakes, we can either own up to them and take lumps.. even a divorce... but, I would prefer to find a way to harmony. Uh Oh.. that's all about, me, too. "I" want to be in understanding relationships with people who are loving and kind and generous, even when I might not be. And, I really don't want to be accused of being a bad person for assumed slights that were never intended.
Everyone of us has a sense of humor. We often say, 'he has NO sense of humor' if he doesn't think what we think is funny is funny. This happened a little while ago when an old pal back in Colorado saw a video that I shared on Facebook. It made me laugh out loud and I played it a couple of times. An animal care worker was on TV showing a nice kitty on a leash who needed a new home. You could see what was going to happen a mile away. The cat struggled to get loose, almost strangled on the leash in its panic while another guy tried to scoop into a box! The panicky cat climbed right up the first man's leg to attack him in the crotch. My pal in Colorado wrote to me to ask why I thought it was funny. This is the point. Another person might see this as a terrible way to treat a poor cat and be incensed that anyone would laugh at that. Another may feel sorry for the poor well meaning guy who put the cat on the leash in the first place. Circumstances that surprise and also fulfill a telegraphed event sometimes make me laugh out loud.
Another friend hates America's Funniest Home Videos. Granted that they have been on the air for a very long time and it's become a lot of near injuries with buildings almost falling on folks who just wanted to knock down a supporting beam and had to run for their lives. I take that stuff as it comes and often actually feel the pain of a crash, but the rule is that no one got hurt. Near misses and accidents that surprise us are funny to me. I won't be discussing AFHV with the friend who doesn't like it.
All of this tirade is to quell some anxiety that I'm having about finishing this art project and trying to make friends with a person whose sense of humor I need to be more respectful of. If I could just figure out what is funny to them, that would be a good start!
Please mark August 14, 2016 on your calendar for the Opening of the Open Call at Barnsdall Park: the LA Municipal Art Gallery. The theme is play and you can actually play with my sculpture.
The gallery is open Thursdays through Sundays Noon to Five.
Free admission.
4800 Hollywood Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA 90027
Los Angeles, CA 90027
What's funny to you?
July 16, 2016
I must ponder this. What is funny? I know it when I see it. hard to put it into words. I like silly songs. songs kids make up. I remember driving my two girls and their cousins in the car. They were singing and I had to pull the van over because I was laughing so hard my cheeks got in the way of my vision. I think I laughed till I cried.