July 11, 2016
It was a great day for a drive to Hollywood and the Hollywood Bowl! Leon Martell has been working with the Summer Sounds Seasons program at the Bowl for several years. Thanks to Facebook, he mentioned that the new show was going up today and I made it over to see it. For the next several weeks, there will be two shows back to back starting at 10AM at the performance space next to the Museum there. There's an admission charge. More than a hundred kids and their moms participated as the band Rose's Pawn Shop performed in a tight little narrative written by Leon. Word has it that this may be the last year for the Summer Sounds Season and that would be a shame. I understand that The Bowl is under the aegis of Los Angeles County Supervisors and the LA Philharmonic. If anyone knows folks who may be influential in the powers that be reconsidering this vital summer program please let them know that these shows are a boon to art in Los Angeles and must continue.

Today I drove the same bus to see Leon's show that I drove to perform there years ago. This is my old bus doing an impression of "Fillmore" from the Pixar film "Cars." My experience years ago changed my life as an actor. The audience and the performers both benefit. Let's keep it rolling!
The Title Line today refers to my driving back home from Burbank. I wound up behind a red car with a little tiny sticker on the back. I had to get really close behind to read it. It read "Keep Your Distance!"
Be grateful. Have pie.
July 11, 2016
Life is all about the pie!