
Monday, July 25, 2016


July 25, 2016

At last I am, evidently, in disagreement with one of my very best friends.  The issue is not really complicated, but it's interesting.  This will be pretty obscure, as is... to me... the issue at hand. It has to do with how to behave regarding the coming election.  I refuse to sink to the level of people who will kick you in the balls and laugh about it.  Wear a cup!  Of course, that behavior is The Shadow that Deepak Chopra speaks of in a recent post that I shared on Facebook.  Oh, that danged FB! This is Chopra's paragraph that explains the essence of The Shadow:

"The shadow compounds all the dark impulses--hatred, aggression, sadism, selfishness, jealousy, resentment, sexual transgression--that are hidden out of sight. The name originated with Carl Jung, but its basic origin came from Freud's insight that our psyches are dualistic, sharply divided between the conscious and unconscious. The rise of civilization is a tribute to how well we obey our conscious mind and suppress our unconscious side. But what hides in the shadows will out."

To me, when intelligent people allow their limbic reactions to take over, as we see with the rising flames of hate and bigotry fanned with enthusiasm by the Republican candidate and his gang, reason takes a back seat and civilization takes a hit. We may become reactionaries.  
I became a reactionary today!  We reach a point, perhaps when 'enough is enough' and something snaps.  This is the "shadow" made manifest. A little scary.  What got to me this morning was    the plethora of robo calls I am receiving today.  Usually, there's no one on the other end of the call. One was a recording and one was a man, "I am Mr. Sims..."  I had my morning wtf do you want voice on and before I knew it I was yelling into the phone. I couldn't hear when he hung up on me.  After a moment, I have to laugh at myself because I've allowed this invasive auto-dial crap to invade my home.  What's most frustrating is that these crooks now have a way to make a call from a 'non-working' number that cannot be traced.  Even if you put the numer on the Do Not Call List, it doesn't matter because these low lifes don't use actual working numbers. 

All that said, I love my friend and respect her points of view. If 'fighting' the ever growing tide of bigotry and fear is a thing, then, I'd like figure out a way to undermine it's fear mongering and anger. The mindset that "force must be met with force" is aberrant to my way of thinking.  I tease another friend of mine and pass this idea off to 'wiring.'  That's another story that I won't even try to explain today.

Gandhi and MLK work for me.  Becoming a waterboarding, club swinging redneck bully might be a way to get your way, but then in the year book, your class activities are listed as waterboarding, club swinging and Redneck Bully Society.

Another meaningless rant and I am still in trouble with someone who refuses to discuss what the trouble is.  That's another thing that cannot be forced.  

The phone has rung six times and that's a record. And, it's not even noon!

Oh well. 

July 25, 2016

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