
Friday, July 1, 2016


July 1, 2016

Learning something new is a pleasure.  

I'd never heard of the superstition that the first words one must speak on the first day of the month are, "Rabbit" or "Rabbit, Rabbit".. or..  some variation on the theme.

Gilda Radner was known to say, "Bunny, Bunny" when she was feeling insecure. That may have come from having this idea passed along to her.  The theatre is full of traditions and superstitions and, I, for one, am happy to have them.  Traditions bind us to a common theme.  The family I spent many Christmases with had lots of stuff that was just family stuff that they shared and in a way those traditions are very comforting.

A talented man I know posted something on FB today that revealed more about himself than he may have really intended.  The 'controversy' of whether or not the original Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag should include "under God" remains an issue. "Under God" was added to the Pledge in 1954 when the world was 'under attack' by Godless Communism. The change was embraced by our mostly Christian nation.  President Eisenhower (who also warned us about the military/industrial complex!) urged the change, probably to make US citizens feel 'protected.'   The issue of the division of Church and State seems to still be problematic as religious extremists strike out in the name of one Deity or Another.  

I think that Faith or Belief.. or Tradition (can you hear Tevya singing??) are just fine as long as they are not forced on anyone.  Of course, children are indoctrinated into the beliefs of their parents and culture. When you are vulnerable and malleable, that's what happens... South Pacific's "You Have to be Carefully Taught" now comes to mind.  What was drummed in your dear little ear?

Education must be the key.  Indoctrination / brain washing may go on and on, but those who take a step back and overcome the teachings that may not really serve them/us, become their own teachers.  If we align with reason and step back from fear, that perspective may be a saving grace.

As the world slowly implodes and fear takes center stage, it's hard to not be a little antsy.   Caution!!  The flashing yellow light does not mean STOP.  It means, to me, to be awake and then consider the "0" in the Taro deck.  There is wisdom there, but most of us find it difficult to take a "leap of faith."

Bunny Bunny / Rabbit Rabbit
July 1, 2016

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