JULY 14, 2016
As the sun sinks behind the house, the big old palm trees that I share with my neighbor cast wonderful shadows, eh? The story that I got from old time neighbors was that the woman who owned the house directly down the hill from mine back in the sixties had life time feud going with King Mabel, the woman who used to live here. The woman wanted to block King Mabel's view and planted the trees in spite.
Fact is that I love these palms. Now and then the driveway fills up with broken fronds that take a day to cut up and deposit in the trash, but, with shadows like these and the view being only briefly intersected, what's not to love.
Spite is a terrible thing. We do things 'in spite' sometimes just to get even or irritate another person. I catch myself doing that when an impatient person honks behind me in traffic. I step on the brake and then deliberately take my time getting going. Impatience and rudeness are more and more a part of our society. If half the country really thinks that the Orange Man should lead us, then, we may be in for real trouble. He is a spiteful person. I think Jimmy Kimmel sums him up best with his occasional Slow Talking bit on Kimmel's ABC show.
My art project got a final image to help me get it completed today. I needed an "I" for the text side of the sculpture. It's got 'go' power! I realized today that this is really 96 individual pieces of art. What was I thinking??
I do hope that many of you kind folks who read my ramblings here will put August 14, 2016 on your calendars. That's the opening day of the Open Call show at the LA Municipal Art Gallery. It'll be huge.. over 500 artists and their pals. I'll be happy to meet anyone after the opening to play with my sculpture. I've got about a week to get it together and so.. I'd better get busy!
July 14, 2016
Happy Bastille Day!
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