
Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Reaching out..

We are in for something. (This was my opening sentence a couple of days ago.  Now we are IN something and with reason and basic intelligence, everything will be okay... )
One hundred and two Coke Bottes
Our current state of affairs is all so new and the information is still swirling: conflicting reports and ideas. This must settle soon and should if we get the truth. If we pay attention.

Our television sets and E devices are all portals into our very personal lives.  For me, when 45 pops up on television, I just can't watch.  That's on me, of course, but what I see is not a concerned person striving to safely shepherd citizens of the United States, I see a guy in over his head still campaigning at the expense of our democracy.  When his image oozes into my home,  I have to change the channel.   
45 seems to be, from what I've seen referenced mostly on Facebook and the tid bits he spouts before I rush to change the channel... 45 seems to be campaigning.   Compassion and empathy may be impossible for him and his cronies to even attempt to fake.   


I've been asking other folks if they can think of someone:  anyone..  in the national public eye who may demand equal time to balance what this administration is saying?  My ideal candidate would be Walter Cronkite.. were he still with us... Someone respected? Letterman? Ellen? Tom Hanks.. President Obama? Michelle? Oprah? Adam Schiff may be the one? It must be someone or maybe more than one person?  He or she must be credible. Someone who can give those of us who do not trust this faulty administration right now..someone who would be given researched facts to do what FDR did so eloquently when the fears of the war burst upon us.   It is time for Hope. My Hope is personal and works every time.

In January, 2020, there was news of health issues in China. The accusations of what the administration did re: dismissing health officials and doing other things that made no sense are now moot.  Playing catch up must work.. It must.. but.. we need someone with respected national recognition to step up and represent the Loyal Opposition to quell the fear exacerbated by TV news and the white house (sic).

I've written an email to Laura Friedman, the representative for the 43rd district in the California Assembly, asking for her to help find someone.  We'll see if she responds. (As of 3/25 she has not)

To those folks whom I know:  face to face.. my friends in real life.. Thanks to email and the phone, we've been in touch.  Let's all be kind.  and responsive. If you need TP or rice.. drop me a line!  Such a deal I can make you!

To Nashville:  daily good wishes for health and healing.
Edit..  I started this essay a few days ago. One friend felt duty bound to use an analogy that describes our situation.  It's eloquent and over the top.  If we allow hyperbole to dominate our psyches, we will founder. Take  your own temperature of the current times.  Do what you know is right for you. Exercise your personal critical thinking and don't allow hysterics (both the noun and the verb) to poke holes in your life raft. 
No one has taken me up on a deal for rice or TP! That means that people I know can dine and wipe. Good things! 

March 25, 2020
michael sheehan


  1. Reading your post is like standing in a fine summer breeze that cools you off in the most subtle way. I'm blown back into alignment with my own critical thinking and that is a gift indeed.

  2. ms, i glad to be on the same raft as you.
