
Monday, February 1, 2021


Darn it.. 

Another one bites the dust.  The most hurtful thing, besides knowing that Ron Bryan, an old high school pal, has died is that he died from the virus.. the plague, and his lovely wife, the former Patti Grossnickel, cutest girl in the whole class.. has the virus, too. 

More hurtful than that is that the couple who monitor the news of our high school class, Marvin  and Kay, his wife.. have responded to my emails by telling me that they would no longer respond to me And, evidently, they have removed me from the class mailing list.  Why? Because I 'hurt many people'.  Never my intention.  I guess other folks in the class felt 'hurt' by my simply asking them last fall for whom they would vote. I declared Blue.. and that was that.  No campaigning or otherwise supporting our now President Biden and VP Harris.  I simply asked a question. I have reported the vitriolic responses here earlier.  

I'd apologize in a second if I had intentionally done  something to actually upset these old pals on purpose.  In fact, I do owe Marvin an apology because I  had a limbic reaction and told him to look in the mirror. He's a handsome guy, but.. anyone who did not Vote Blue this time has supported the person whose behavior has been outrageous and unacceptable is culpable.  The ultimate slap in the face to our Republic, was what everyone saw on January 6, 2021, all thanks to the impeached prez. 

A last note to my classmates who may be on board, and understand where I am coming from: please share news of our class as you may still receive it from Marvin and Kay.   I actually thought that he and I shared a sense of humor.  All is not lost.  I forgive them for being recalcitrant and hope to regain a connection to the all of the people I grew up with back in Greeley, Colorado.

But.. the prompt for today was the serendipity of a misdialed phone call. Dyslexia is setting in and though I don't know the number I incorrectly dialed, a voice mail picked up.  I left a 'have a nice day' sort of message apologizing for my mistake.  


My phone rings. It's the woman whose number I dialed incorrectly.  She is French and tells me about her career busking in the streets of New York, the portable tapdance floor, her love of God and devotion to him (her/it?) Him.. and how the former president is a humble servant of her god and other stuff that goes on non-stop with an invitation to read all about it on her website that even though she has changed her name, still has lots of information and how the insurrection was supported by the local cops and that the country is well into the Handbasket to Hell with President Biden in the White House.  

As I am a bit lonely.. having been divorced from the comings and goings of my high school pals and returning a phone call to good old Ron with no answer when I call back.. I listen to this woman screech on non-stop while now and then I speak over her, interrupting, or trying to and asking if she understands that her accent and rate of speech make it impossible for me to understand what she is saying? She babbles on at an even faster pace saying she did not intend to get into this topic and when I ask her if she knows how really ridiculous what she is saying sounds, she adds that she knows FOR A FACT that President Biden is a communist and that America is now in really bad shape.  I ask if the thinks the former prez is God.  A pause! but he is humble!  Humble?? Really? 

This reminds me of a song by Mac Davis (a former neighbor of mine btw) called "Lord, It's Hard To Be Humble..." 

Because this distraction is really a bit entertaining,  and she won't shut up.. I think about just putting the phone down and going for a cup of tea.  She has no comprehension of the barbs I stick in when I think she may be taking a breath, but really.. she must be the Kenny G of talkers because I don't hear her take a breath anywhere. 

This wake up call is to share with those who watched the insurrection after the miscreants were goaded to wreck the ballot count and storm the Capitol.  Were you appalled? Can you imagine anyone who was not?   Sadly, there are people loose in our society who, like this woman.. really believe the fantasy that she was spouting.  Unhinged diatribes are a reflection of some philosophy that I'd truly love to understand.  The recent list of woes that the former president laid on our country was posted on Facebook the other day.  It's not an essay or an article. It's just a list.  I may post it here, later. I have not been able to find the author who compiled the list and would like to credit him/her. 

All of this to say is that formerly, I thought that critical thinking may be a saving grace for many who have witnessed the destruction of trust and humanity that the twice impeached guy wrought upon the nation.  I'd still like to think that people like this woman who just blathered on for ten minutes, not 'getting' my insults and questions, but on a roll to her own satisfaction.. there are folks like her and it seems that reason has nothing to do with their beliefs. At least reasoning that makes sense to me. 

 If you are a member of my high school class and have seen the light, denouncing your connection to what the republican party has become, please find my email address and send me a note. Call me on the phone. Voice is good.

To Patti Ryan.  Ronnie was a pal whom I really liked.  When he declared his intention and yours to vote red, that made me sad, but living in Buckeye, Arizona and coming from Greeley, Colorado may have been a factor in that. Health to Patti and to all who may venture here. This virus ain't foolin'.. Please follow the protocols and be well.


michael sheehan

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