
Wednesday, August 30, 2017


August 30, 2017

Michael Shermer is a rabble rouser and a tough guy who thinks and says things that are embodied in his publication The Skeptic.   He publishes ideas that, if nothing else, make us deal with thinking that may be foreign to us.. at least to me.  

I like this short article because it points up that no matter how smart or liberal we may think we are, we are governed by forces often beyond our ken! (Or Barbie!??)

Limbic reactions (like the hew and cry to demolish all Confederate memorials across the land, especially the South!).. and the on going (I typoed 'gooing!') rift in SAGAFTRA with internal politics and 'us vs them' attitude in warring factions, come from some fear that we are slapped with because we have opinions about the way of the world.   

I initially found the article linked below mostly because I liked the terrific artwork. It reminds me of the exquisite renderings of my friend, Will Meugniot.  Hercules had his work cut out for him as the Hydra kept on growing new heads! And, that may be what's happening in our world today..  Reason probably won't 'fix' racial prejudice or homophobia or any of the visceral issues we face today.  However, reasonable folks may chip away at the damage being done to the country by the current administration, but .. boy.. that's a challenge!  Ouch. 

This article made me take a look at my own prejudices (we all pre-judge on one level or another... right?) and maybe I'll take a trip to the senior center to see what the old folks are doing! 

What prejudice will you over come..or at least acknowledge?  I think of my "up to our eyeballs in niggers" cousin, Billy and his niece, "Little Redneck" and wonder if I could do anything to have real communication with them.  Little Redneck has already declared that all my Georgia kin know that I am "bat shit crazy."  That's a slippery slope to navigate! Especially, because it's probably true!

Take a look, the graphic is amazing.  

Here's to the memories of wonderful friends: June Foray and Steven Kent and Wally Burr and Michael Johnson.  I am better for having known you.  Thank you. 

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