
Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Free Free FREE at LACMA?

After getting an email from the Los Angeles County Museum of Art with the subject : Free!..  
I opened it to find out that it was a pitch to renew membership for money and then, get something for free!  Such a deal!!

I wrote back in response to complain that of the all the major art museums in Los Angeles, only LACMA makes is a bit difficult to be a member and bring a guest.  The Armand Hammer in Westwood is free. The new Marciano on Wilshire is free. The Broad downtown is free! Hauser and Wirth, a beautiful private art gallery is open to the public!   And, the three MoCA museums are...  yes.. have memberships, but even the lowest membership includes a guest.  
These arts organizations really want to get folks in.  Of course, they need to pay expenses, but the private museums find ways to just open their doors, while big, fat LACMA makes it difficult..

When the nice woman at LACMA responded to me, she was under the misapprehension that I am a member. I let my membership lapse when they refused to allow the lowest paying members to bring a guest. The following is her response with some information that is especially good news to Los Angeles residents.  It's explained in her note.

Of course, LACMA is very important in that the museum embraces classic to contemporary works and has a film program as well as other interests.  I just wish that there was a way to have this flagship museum to understand that finding ways to get everyone in the door would be a very good thing.

This is from LACMA:

"Thank you for your email. I understand that it may be difficult to visit with a guest, but the museum offers weekly opportunities for free admission. Please know that your guests are welcome to visit the museum free after 3:00 pm Monday-Friday, except Wednesdays when we are closed. The museum is free on weekdays for General Admission for all Los Angeles County residents. Simply bring a photo ID or bill statement with your current address in Los Angeles County. Also, the museum is free to all visitors on the 2nd Tuesday of each month. We look forward to seeing you at the museum! 

Thank you for your support as LACMA member! (I am NOT a member of the museum)
Natalie Benamou
All emphasis is mine.. 
michael sheehan

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