August 27, 2017
I've been taking issue with the term 'protestors' recently being used to describe folks taking their issues to the streets. Again, shouting or whispering into the wind.. nomenclature.. semantics.. may do us in. Let's call the folks who come out to stand together for some cause or reason 'demonstrators.' They may be protesting, but that rings, to me, pejorative and I just wish we'd back off this negative take, even on the guys we disagree with. Let's demonstrate our points of view and .. of course.. protest where the protesting will be seen as such. I protest the way this pospotus is conducting himself. That's a protest!
I demonstrate by being still and sending out some positive vibes. No shouting. No signs. Just being still. It is not the American Way, of course.. but just one time I'd love to see a vigil dedicated to demonstrating by example. Peace..
A while back I made some art pieces with cardboard and yogurt. They've been calling to me ever since I had an idea where to have them on display. (Film at eleven, if ever..) I like the simplicity of the these pieces and got into making simple frames for them, even though they could go on a wall with just a wooden block on the back to give them some depth. Unsure if I'll get the venue to show them, but there are nine pieces .. three larger and six smaller.
Seeing artists promoting their stuff on Facebook makes me appreciate them, but it seems that I'd rather do it here. Any feedback (besides "very interesting") is solicited.
august 27, 2017
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