
Thursday, August 31, 2017


August 31, 2017

The warm days and nights make sleeping an interesting process.   

There's a tune called Sheehan's Reel that I like to listen to played on Youtube on a penny whistle.  This morning..  the circumstances were not clear I was in the presence of a 'famous' Irish musician (no idea who he was. he might have been on horseback.)..   He may have had a guitar or a penny whistle?

Asking him to play the reel, I plunked along a little on my dulcimer. His playing was angelic, though it did not sound like the tune that I remember.  It was more of a lament? Maybe a little like Si Bheag Si Mhor? (Okay, I looked up the spelling, but it's pronounced.. more or less She Bag, She More) This reminds me of She Moved Through the Faire by Alan Stivell.. but that's another tune.

The musician and I smiled at each other as he finished the tune and the emotion was deep within us both. "Interesting how moving that tune is," I either thought or said aloud. And he concurred. 

 Sheehan's Reel

This is not the tune I heard in my dream, but that's because, probably, I've not learned to play it yet? 
The musician identifies himself as The Whistler.   
He writes, 
"Go raibh maith agaibh as éisteacht liom!"  

last day of august in twentyseventeen. gosh. 


Wednesday, August 30, 2017


August 30, 2017

Michael Shermer is a rabble rouser and a tough guy who thinks and says things that are embodied in his publication The Skeptic.   He publishes ideas that, if nothing else, make us deal with thinking that may be foreign to us.. at least to me.  

I like this short article because it points up that no matter how smart or liberal we may think we are, we are governed by forces often beyond our ken! (Or Barbie!??)

Limbic reactions (like the hew and cry to demolish all Confederate memorials across the land, especially the South!).. and the on going (I typoed 'gooing!') rift in SAGAFTRA with internal politics and 'us vs them' attitude in warring factions, come from some fear that we are slapped with because we have opinions about the way of the world.   

I initially found the article linked below mostly because I liked the terrific artwork. It reminds me of the exquisite renderings of my friend, Will Meugniot.  Hercules had his work cut out for him as the Hydra kept on growing new heads! And, that may be what's happening in our world today..  Reason probably won't 'fix' racial prejudice or homophobia or any of the visceral issues we face today.  However, reasonable folks may chip away at the damage being done to the country by the current administration, but .. boy.. that's a challenge!  Ouch. 

This article made me take a look at my own prejudices (we all pre-judge on one level or another... right?) and maybe I'll take a trip to the senior center to see what the old folks are doing! 

What prejudice will you over come..or at least acknowledge?  I think of my "up to our eyeballs in niggers" cousin, Billy and his niece, "Little Redneck" and wonder if I could do anything to have real communication with them.  Little Redneck has already declared that all my Georgia kin know that I am "bat shit crazy."  That's a slippery slope to navigate! Especially, because it's probably true!

Take a look, the graphic is amazing.  

Here's to the memories of wonderful friends: June Foray and Steven Kent and Wally Burr and Michael Johnson.  I am better for having known you.  Thank you. 

Tuesday, August 29, 2017


August 29, 2017

Hurricane Harvey wreaks havoc on Houston and the Gulf ..  I watch potus arrive in Texas to survey the situation there.  He walked well ahead of his wife, leaving her without an umbrella.  An aide handed her her own umbrella as she walked behind him.  Arm candy off the arm. She did not look happy.  Of course, no one is happy to see Texas under water.

On Facebook, there are some naysayers discussing the recent SAGAFTRA election and approval of the theatrical contract. They expose themselves with ad hominem and nary a suggestion as to how to make things better.   The negativity is enervating.  Really.  It's interesting to me how people who are so mean or angry get that way.  It may be naive to try to find a way to harmony in our union, but it seems to me that making an effort is better than name calling and continuing to attempt to bait folks into an argument.  The relative anonymity on line.. especially in contentious situations, seems to be easy.  Fighting words, uttered or blasted in person, might actually lead to a fight! 

On the other hand..  grit and traction may be necessary to get things 'fixed.'  The naysayers have probably never served on a committee and some of the 'members' of the FB page for SAGAFTRA are either not union members or have very limited professional credits.  It's hard to take their criticism very seriously. 

But..  but but..  The angst of seeing the pospotus dismantling the United States 'trumps' any of the petty bickering on Facebook.  If we were in Hitchcock's LIFEBOAT and bobbing around in the ocean and saw one of the other survivors actively drilling holes in the bottom of the boat, watching the water flood in, what would we do?  This may not be exactly what is happening in the USA today, but as Texas floods and thousands are literally sinking, the analogy is not far from some very strange truth.   

I've been noticing something that may or may not be a sign of the times in a strange way.  The hair styles of many men are now courting shaved sides and longer on top.  The shaved heads of the more and more military police forces around the country may just be a style trend, as with the civilian styles, but comparing our current USA to Germany in the Thirties is a little disconcerting.  Coincidence? And, you might ask.. what about all these beards!  Does History repeat itself?  
Just askin'.... 


Frames?  Frames???  really?? Unsure about these images.  The math to figure them out has been a real challenge for me.  But.. this series of poured paint panels might benefit?  Ideas? 
Paint, pencil on cardboard 20.5" x 18"

 Does this piece really need a frame? What about mounting wooden blocks on the back to have the panel stand off the wall and inch or two? Raw cardboard? There are seventeen pieces. Different sizes.  I envision them hung 'salon' style on a large wall.

Michael Sheehan
August 29, 2017
Glendale, CA

Sunday, August 27, 2017


August 27, 2017
I've been taking issue with the term 'protestors' recently being used to describe folks taking their issues to the streets. Again, shouting or whispering into the wind..  nomenclature.. semantics.. may do us in.  Let's call the folks who come out to stand together for some cause or reason 'demonstrators.'  They may be protesting, but that rings, to me, pejorative and I just wish we'd back off this negative take, even on the guys we disagree with.  Let's demonstrate our points of view and .. of course.. protest where the protesting will be seen as such.  I protest the way this pospotus is conducting himself.  That's a protest!

I demonstrate by being still and sending out some positive vibes.  No shouting. No signs. Just being still. It is not the American Way, of course.. but just one time I'd love to see a vigil dedicated to demonstrating by example. Peace.. 

 A while back I made some art pieces with cardboard and yogurt.  They've been calling to me ever since I had an idea where to have them on display.   (Film at eleven, if ever..) I like the simplicity of the these pieces and got into making simple frames for them, even though they could go on a wall with just a wooden block on the back to give them some depth.   Unsure if I'll get the venue to show them, but there are nine pieces .. three larger and six smaller.  

Seeing artists promoting their stuff on Facebook makes me appreciate them, but it seems that I'd rather do it here.  Any feedback (besides "very interesting") is solicited. 

august 27, 2017

Thursday, August 24, 2017


Inevitably, the cops win. 

In the LA area, we see police pursuits on a fairly regular basis and I've even heard that there are alerts so that those folks with phones that get alerts can be notified so that they can stop what they are doing to watch the unfolding drama of the cops on the trail of someone running away from them. 

Watching the pursuit just now.. Thursday night.. August 24, 2017, the resources engaged in this flight are many. I often wonder the gallons and gallons of gas for the pursuing cars.. about four this time.. and a helicopter.. along with at least one news copter.. How much is spent to bring this guy to 'justice.'  How many other problems are being ignored?

I wonder, too.. if every police vehicle has bullet proof glass and kevlar in the door panels, just in case?  Seems like an idea, to me.

The issue with these chases, to me, is the risk that is foisted upon the unsuspecting public!   Only one accident happened just before the big guy finally just stopped in the middle of the street and surrendered.. side swiped: a couple of grand on the back of the innocent motorist who was in the wrong place at the wrong time. The pursuit ended in Compton. 

An idea that I've discussed unsuccessfully with the CHP is one that I'd still like to see considered.  Seems that there are dozens of cars cycled out by CHP and local police and sheriff departments on a regular basis.  If they are outfitted as I've hoped, with kevlar and bullet proof glass, it might be an idea to paint these cars a nondescript color (leave their numbers, modified, on their tops so that they can be directed from the air) and position them around the city (cities) ready to roll if a chase comes into their neighborhood.  Then..  when a chase comes into any given area, those special cars are rolled into the pursuit ..   Then.. the black and white cars back off and the helicopter turns off the Night Sun and the officers in one or more of the plain clothes cars ride in the blind spot of the miscreant.   

If two or three of these 'dispensable' cars can stay with the person fleeing while the black and whites back off, then they, in radio contact, find ways to bring the fleeing car to a stop.  Ideally, in my perfect world, there would eventually be three or four cars: one in front and two on either side of the miscreant, one in the back. With bullet proof glass and even extra protection with steel or more glass to protect them, once the pursuit is brought to a stop, the black and whites who have stayed well back are brought in to seal the deal and make the arrest. 

I don't know at what mileage these cars are cycled out, but I'd guess they still have enough life in them to do this type of thing.  

Having been almost run down in a police pursuit several years ago in Studio City, it's sobering.  I was stopped for a red light, but had I been moving, the chances are that the runner from the cops would have sideswiped or run directly into me!  Pow!  They went by on the surface street through heavy traffic at well over fifty miles an  hour! . 

What would it take to do a pilot program in areas that are shown to have more pursuits than others? Station a dozen cars at a dozen or so CHP, LAPD and LA County Sheriff stations and give it a try?

Of course, training for officers would be a good idea, but I'm guessing that most police officers have driving training in their studies before being hired or during their employment, along with target practice and other essential skills.

This is a dream, of course, but seeing these pursuits where the lives of innocent citizens are literally at stake, not to mention property damage before the eventual capture,   I think that giving this a try might be a really good idea.  

I feel sorry for the guy in the big pickup who was side swiped tonight.  Thank goodness he had a big heavy truck and was not totally crashed into.  Still, he must bear the burden of the wreck, as I doubt that the criminal was insured! It probably wasn't even his car! 

What a trip it would be if someone with the authority to try this actually thought it was a good idea!  I'd love credit, but now that I've written this, if it happens at all, that's okay with me.
august 24, 2017

Monday, August 21, 2017

THE DARK TIMES: Were we Connecticut Yankess today?

It is impossible to ignore the eclipse.  

 I went out to my porch and found a hundred little suns projected on the side of the house through the trees.  Consumed, I punctured a box with a pin and held it to the wall and there, a pinpoint of light beginning to crescent.  I remembered 1979 on Bennett Drive in the Hollywood Hills and holding a piece of cardboard up the same way to see the eclipse long ago.

The social aspect of this event.. the phenomenon.. CBS news tracking the pathway .. the darkness, is truly more profound than I'd expected.  In Jackson Hole the moment of the full eclipse was narrated by absolute silence.  The Tetons went dark.  The stillness was profound.  the profundity was profound.  

Across the country, a computer map shows the pathway of the event.. completed now in the Northwest and continuing across South Carolina.  A shot of  the White House. The president removes his solar shades and cannot resist taking a brief glimpse directly at the sun.. unprotected! 

Realizing too late that I have welding glasses here somewhere, I went in intervals to photograph the crescents on the wall.  The event has somehow bound us together?  Icing on the cake was a note from a dancer I met two years ago in Oregon and then a beautiful email from a favorite author, Sharon Doubiago. She is most elusive and, to me, a true genius with her poetry and prose.  

New challenges emerge: even from an accusatory friend who seems  to have no idea why this business of abbreviated tweeting and such is so annoying.  I wonder why anyone finds it cute to use the language of the iPhone to communicate at all.  He thinks I want to change folks. Of course, this is not true. I just want thorough and complete communication. The only way to do that is to sit with the other and take time.  

I do want to change the impatient idiots, three of whom I have seen in the past two weeks who ignored red lights and sirens missing being crashed into by emergency vehicles rushing to help someone. Three idiots, the shrapnel from their crashes had they happened, would have injured or killed not only them, but me and others. 

It's frustrating to be misunderstood, but ultimately, that responsibility falls to me. It's not nice for a friend to call other folks names and take an accusatory tone, but that's the land we live in. 

This: all on a day when the sky went dark and the dark days of the USA may darken darker still until reason returns.  Meanwhile.. 

Thanks to the serendipity of life: an unexpected friend and onward to new challenges and respect for those who may disrespect us.  No tit for tat. Just love. 

michael sheehan
August 21, 2017
Connie's birthday? 

Sunday, August 20, 2017


For the past few months I've been reading one of Shakespeare's sonnets daily.  The serendipity of how Sonnet 129 may apply to the world situation may be vague, but I read it after I'd posted my last ideas about not rushing to judgement.  As usual, puzzling out the Bard can be challenging and by no means do I think this covers the situation of the world today, but, if you read this a couple of times, it might just make a little sense.  How are we baited and by whom?  And, to what ends?

Sonnet 129 by William Shakespeare

Th' expense of spirit in a waste of shame
Is lust in action, and till action, lust
Is perjured, murd'rous, bloody full of blame,
Savage, extreme, rude, cruel, not to trust,

Enjoyed no sooner but despised straight,
Past reason hunted, and no sooner had
Past reason hated as a swallowed bait,
On purpose laid to make the taker mad.

Mad in pursuit and in possession so,
Had, having, and in quest, to have extreme,
A bliss in proof and proved, a very woe,
Before a joy proposed behind a dream.

All this the world well knows yet none knows well,
To shun the heaven that leads men to this hell.

food for thinking. 


Scott Adams,  the creator of Dilbert, the comic strip.. (That I am really not familiar with) has posted a theory that deserves attention.
 (Please copy and paste to see this)

Whatever a 'mass hysteria bubble' is, and I'm not totally clear about this.. Certainly, there's something odd happening in the United States and in the world that has the capacity to create hysteria. Having just sat through Kathryn Bigelow's film DETROIT, witnessing what mob violence can do. What prejudice can do. What being out of control can do. What hysteria does to us and is doing, is frightening.  

The first analogy that comes to mind is seeing someone you know and love who is drunk. Drunk with power? Drunk on alcohol. Tripping on drugs? Crazy in Love?  They (or we?) do not behave the same way when not under the influence.  Even if our friend knows that he/she is 'out of it,' their behavior is different from when they are "with it."  What Adams seems to be saying is that the world may be in this 'bubble of hysteria' or maybe only some of us who are deeply affected by the events that are currently unfolding in the world today, coupled with the incredible blow dealt to the USA when this president was elected last November.  

On that horrible night, November 9, 2016, I huddled with a few dozen folks I had never met in a church in Pasadena. It was clear that the world was about to change radically.  Radically.  It was a wake. It was a memorial. It was a way to be with human beings who felt as I did.  Adams posits that when within this 'bubble' it's difficult to think straight. Like being drunk or stoned, our behavior is wonky.  At least a different type of 'wonky' from how we behave when not under the influence.   Making decisions when under the influence (getting a tattoo or even married?) may be a mistake.  

That said, I hope that reasonable folks who are under the influence of the eclipse, the times, a bad president or gout or indigestion or mourning the state of the world, will take a step back from radical and hysterical ideas... not to lose them, but to just put them into perspective?   Is that tramp stamp really what you want to live with for the rest of your life?  The drunk who hands over the keys is, at least, somehow smart enough to save his own life and maybe the lives of others.

Just sayin'...  

michael sheehan
August 20, 2017

Today may be Connie Swanson's birthday. 
Happy Day, Connie.

Friday, August 18, 2017


August 18, 2017

I got on a roll this morning spinning off of a post on FB by a friend of a friend all smacked out in angry caps about the removal of monuments to the Confederacy and the Civil War.  This guy was really upset and ranted (my take on ALL BIG OLD CAPS!!) about "destruction of public property and private property" and such.  I got to thinking about what to do to appease the current limbic / knee jerk reaction to the state of the nation and symbols. I googled Stone Mountain, Georgia.  Fascinating information:
Is this History, Art or propaganda?
Issues like the current truckload of trouble being delivered to the United States need to be examined objectively and, hopefully not over ridden by mob rule.  

This is what I wrote in response to Mr. McCain (not that McCain!) on Facebook: 

"I am noticing the angry CAPS! that Clark McCain is using here. This is part and parcel of the "Tone" that I hear from some people who would probably agree with him. I used the term 'tone' in referring to the way that some folks express themselves, which sort of gives them away. Angry knee jerk reactions are easy here on FB and this one of his is typical. Stone Mountain is historical art that maybe supersedes this angry reactionary 'stuff' regarding Confederate history. Watch out for reactions like this. Really. WATCH OUT! They might be dangerous.   I visited Stone Mountain years ago and did not see it as an affront (Years before "ban the stars and bars" and this current president's influence on us). That said.. Let's take a deep breath and consider that monuments to Johnny Reb may be a lead off point for discussions about why we had a Civil War. What would have happened had the South won? 

Screen the films Shenandoah and Gone With The Wind, The Red Badge of Courage or the Twilight Zone's "The Passersby".. or hum Shel Silverstein's Civil War Song. USE CAPS WHEN YOU NEED TO.. But be aware that most folks don't much cotton to being yelled at. I don't."

When we expend our energy in anger, it takes away some of the reason for being mad. It's difficult to be reasonable under the influence of adrenaline and righteous indignation.  

That said, I think that reminders of the terrible history that we have been through need to be preserved, if for no other reason than to keep us mindful of mistakes and the reasoning from the past.  Johnny Reb was an American who had been taught prejudice and still today, my Georgia cousin, Little Redneck and her uncle "Up To Our Eyeballs In Niggers"  have been taught their heritage and, sadly, live it to this day.  They are two of millions down below the Mason Dixon Line who may tattoo the Stars and Bars on their bodies and fly the Rebel Flag from their oversized pickups to make sure that we never forget. 

I may never understand this rancor, but reasonable people will inch our way into the cracks that lead to something better.  It is irresistible to not quote Leonard Cohen, 
"There's a crack in everything. 
That's how the light gets in.".

When we seek the light, well.. things may be illuminated. 

Michael Sheehan
August 18, 2017


Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Free Free FREE at LACMA?

After getting an email from the Los Angeles County Museum of Art with the subject : Free!..  
I opened it to find out that it was a pitch to renew membership for money and then, get something for free!  Such a deal!!

I wrote back in response to complain that of the all the major art museums in Los Angeles, only LACMA makes is a bit difficult to be a member and bring a guest.  The Armand Hammer in Westwood is free. The new Marciano on Wilshire is free. The Broad downtown is free! Hauser and Wirth, a beautiful private art gallery is open to the public!   And, the three MoCA museums are...  yes.. have memberships, but even the lowest membership includes a guest.  
These arts organizations really want to get folks in.  Of course, they need to pay expenses, but the private museums find ways to just open their doors, while big, fat LACMA makes it difficult..

When the nice woman at LACMA responded to me, she was under the misapprehension that I am a member. I let my membership lapse when they refused to allow the lowest paying members to bring a guest. The following is her response with some information that is especially good news to Los Angeles residents.  It's explained in her note.

Of course, LACMA is very important in that the museum embraces classic to contemporary works and has a film program as well as other interests.  I just wish that there was a way to have this flagship museum to understand that finding ways to get everyone in the door would be a very good thing.

This is from LACMA:

"Thank you for your email. I understand that it may be difficult to visit with a guest, but the museum offers weekly opportunities for free admission. Please know that your guests are welcome to visit the museum free after 3:00 pm Monday-Friday, except Wednesdays when we are closed. The museum is free on weekdays for General Admission for all Los Angeles County residents. Simply bring a photo ID or bill statement with your current address in Los Angeles County. Also, the museum is free to all visitors on the 2nd Tuesday of each month. We look forward to seeing you at the museum! 

Thank you for your support as LACMA member! (I am NOT a member of the museum)
Natalie Benamou
All emphasis is mine.. 
michael sheehan

Wednesday, August 9, 2017

August 9..

August 7, 1974

On this day in this year I had driven all night like anything from Felton, California to Denver to meet one of the most beautiful women I had ever known: Linda Dobson.  Exhausted, I stopped outside of Laramie, Wyoming and barely made it to Stapleton Airport in Denver to meet her. Coming down the concourse, all in white with fur trim, long blonde hair.. perfect skin..and a glow that really pretty women seem to just have. Disheveled me there I was.. bleary eyed and rushing to meet her.

A little peeved that I'd not been at the gate with flowers, she handed me her bags and out to my old VW bus we went.   

I'd met Linda earlier at the Hyde Street Fair in San Francisco and through chuzpah that I did not know I had, we became friends.  We had few things in common passing my curiosity about her responsibility of being a beautiful woman.  We had exchanged glances and then, looks at the fair.. I don't know if I had designs on her or exactly what.. but.. she was in some sort of personal 'thing' and agreed to get away to Colorado with me. 

On August 9th, we were at my friend, Hayden's, home in Greeley when Richard Nixon came on the television special report to announce his resignation of the presidency.  I was over joyed! Linda, however, was devastated! I had not considered politics with her as I presumed that she, as a dancer and performer would share my joy.  Hayden, a staunch republican, was stoic.  But I was really happy.  

"They finally got him," Linda said sadly.. and went to the phone to commiserate with some conservative pal maybe in New Jersey!   It was clear that Linda and I were not a couple, though the fantasy was one that lingered.  

Later, we tried another tryst.. platonic.. and went to the San Diego Zoo.  As we approached the Monkey House.. or cages .. can't remember..  Linda straightened up.. well.. she always had great dance posture.. but she was even more erect as she declared, "I cannot believe that we descended from.. them!"  Again, I was shocked to hear such a thing from someone I'd rather put up on a pedestal! But. that was Linda.  We lost touch after that brief encounter.  I heard that she'd married someone on the east coast and had her perfect nose bobbed.  I wonder... 

But. today we recall Nixon's resignation and it is my fervent wish that the current president either be declared incompetent .. or that he realizes that he is not up to the task of this job and just disappears.  There ought to be six screenplays in the works about how this will happen.  Alien abduction would be my choice.  And, then, the aliens would see what a mess they'd gotten into! 

Forty three years gone by .. Nixon gone, thank goodness..  We have survived some really wonky times, but a mushroom cloud over Los Angeles is now not far from a reality and the guy in 'charge' has what appear to be real mental health issues. 

No one listens to me, but I do think that a national day of 'doing something' that can be seen from space to protest the loose canon in the White House would be a very good idea. 

Hold a good thought. 
michael sheehan
August 9, 2017


Tuesday, August 1, 2017


In the brilliant 1976 movie, NETWORK,  Howard Beale (Peter Finch) loses it on the air and shouts a phrase that we all may be feeling right about now, "I'm mad as hell and I'm not going to take this anymore!" Written by Paddy Chayefsky and directed by Sidney Lummet, it was a strong polemic that we could use a dose of today.

On Facebook, friends rant or complain and as of now the issue of the president's credibility remains one of incredulous head scratching and despair. What can we do??

Today I proposed to an artist friend who has used BIG CAPS IN HER FACEBOOK POSTS.. that as Americans are only marginal in regards to 'taking it to the streets'.. notwithstanding the protestors who have shown up recently and, of course, many years ago,  the hundreds of thousands who marched to stop the Vietnam war..  it occurred to me that every single day, I get at least five or six 'robocalls' from solicitors or from some rogue machine that is just dialing all the time and never responds.  

This "shotgun" effect is a real technology.  What if a registry could be developed where like minded folks could sign up to be called at a specific time, thousands all at one time.. and at that specific time, we would just walk out onto our porches .. best at the dark of the moon.. and shine our flashlights into the sky: waving Light for Peace and to 'demand' an end to this debacle of a president?

I have always advocated for 'silent' protest.  The chants and shouts seem juvenile to me.  Images of Buddhist priests self immolating are still emblazoned in my memory, along with a kid at the corner of Beverly and Fairfax in the late sixties or early seventies who opted to die in an attempt to Stop the War.  Silent protest.

No self immolation here, boy.  Just literally thousands and thousands of fed up Americans making a statement at a pre-arranged time that would be reminded by an app or a call or something that is already in our technology.

I'm not much of an organizer or a 'leader' in this type of thing.  I tried it many years ago and only Nancy Cartwright showed up.. 
Just showing up.  

If you know me, then send me an email and let me know your thoughts.  If we are not acquainted, please send an email to  directortv41 at Yah.. 

Who knows.. Could we make a difference? 

Michael Sheehan
August 1, 2017