
Friday, August 12, 2016


August 12, 2016

When I run out of cable TV series to watch on Netflix, I turn to movies that I've missed.  "St. Vincent" features Bill Murray as a crusty 'old' guy  born in 1947 according to the script.. who is .. well. crusty... If you have not seen the film, I can tell you that I leaped through it, but found myself in tears a little over half way through.  Murray is not Dustin Hoffman, that's for sure, but he nailed this character and Naomi Watts nailed hers, too.  Melissa McCarthy as the mother of a great little ten year old kid, Jaeden Lieberher, who announces at his parochial school that he 'thinks he's Jewish' is terrific. 

Another thing on my mind is a guy who posts strong opinions on Facebook.  By nature he is a cynic and probably not very nice.  Smart and Articulate, yes.. nice..not so much.. It's interesting to admire someone for their ability to speak a strong idea and cut to the quick but at the same time wonder why this cynicism and why so angry?  
I review plays.  Years ago, when I was writing for Drama-Logue, another 'critic' Bruce Feld, was complimentary of my writing.  His reputation was that he didn't like anything.  He advised that I get more 'bite' into my critiques/reviews.  Fact is that I prefer to tell my own truth about the shows I see and find at least one thing that is okay about a show.  Almost always, I can.  I know what it's like to rehearse like anything and go on stage and work your rear end off.  If there's a major flaw in a play.. the play itself or the production.. acting/directing, especially, I am like the kid shoveling out the stall in the barn, there must be a pony in there somewhere!  I got dismissed from reviewing at a local theatre a couple of years ago because their production of the Scottish Play just sucked.  It was awful.  The set was great. The costumes were consistent with whatever the producers saw as appropriate, but Shakespeare must have been spinning!  So.. I just said that the set was good and the costumes were okay and then listed the cast.  It's an insult to an audience to make them sit through three hours of dreck!  Of course, those who were patrons could have left at the intermission, but I am duty bound to stay.  I did leave another terrible Shakespeare production that was even more horrible..  the director sent me a note complaining.  There's only so much abuse anyone can take.. A friend was in the 'company' and I went as a courtesy to her.  It was so bad that I can't remember which one it was. 

So.. a cynic I am not.. Tolerant I am.. mostly.. this is an overlong post that started with a small rave about a little film.  "St. Vincent" touched me and that's the truth.  

August 12, 2016
PS..  William Boyett played an important second banana to Martin Milner and Kent McCord  on Adam 12 for years.  I note that when credits roll, he is still listed in the guest cast.  Adam 12 ran for eight years!  '68 to '75, insuring the stars a life annuity and a nice legacy for Dragnet.  As a guy who only got one guest starring credit, I wish that Boyett would have gotten his due in the credits.  I would see him from time to time on voice auditions. Just a great guy.  This is apropos nada, I guess.  Just a comment on how fleeting is fame. 

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