August 10, 2016
Ahh the lovely sounds of chainsaws!!
A rumblethunder vibration through the floor kept rumblethundering very subtly yesterday morning. I finally went out to see what the rumble was about and here was a huge truck with guys who come every three or four years to trim ONE of our palm trees. They left two big piles of palm fronds sticking way out into the street so that folks had to edge around them or drive over them. Finally, I went out and moved them up onto the curb so that traffic would not be so messed up. They came by today and picked up the detritus.
Ostomy supplies and an amnesiac Charlie's Angel filter in over the screen and chores / errands beckon. The irresponsible behavior of the OM has reached a limit and seeing Ed Muskie on an old Dick Cavett Show earlier today brought this whole political debacle to a single definition. One word: Credibility! Of course, tone and attitude factor in, but they all under lie what we perceive as someone being credible. I remember sitting in on a meeting of some hippies many years ago, led by a guy who pronounced himself 'charismatic.' He wasn't. They were trying to stage a coup to essentially take over their workplace. I sat in on the meeting and finally stood up and said to the guy, "You are IN Credible!" "Not Credible!!" And, that's what this whole crappy election thing is DEvolving into.. It is an IN credible debacle! How can reasonable people even show up.. as, evidently, Clint Eastwood is now doing.. to support someone who is so INcredible?
It's a little scary now. The fringe element in the United States has always been out there, but to see them rallied to do something like assassinate a candidate for President or even hint at such a thing is incredible, too.
I'm still in trouble with my friend and I have daily conversations with myself wondering how to fix it. I am singing Tom Paxton's tune, The Last Thing on my Mind, as the possibility looms that I may lose a very good friend. Of course, what kind of a friend ignores attempts to communicate.. I know.. I know.. but.. it's an important friendship to me and my ego is not so involved. My deep feelings are. If I am abandoned, I'll find a way to survive, but I don't have to like it. In fact it makes me very sad. Very.
Please boost my ego and come to see the art at LAMAG ..either this Sunday or PM me to meet you at the gallery when the show continues on August 18th and after until September 18th.
wow.. let's find some reason and credibility in our lives today!
August 10, 2016
To be abandoned by a friend is heartbreaking. Emily would say "Let It Be"