August 21, 2016
This time of year usually means that as September rolls in, the really warm days roll with it. There was a little autumn in the air today. The changes in this view are so subtle and even a little boring. That's how they get us! Bit by bit. Tiny change by tiny change?
Seeing the artwork with friends yesterday was eye opening. There was a woman putting the spurs to a gathering of artists who want to make money with their artwork. A nice goal! She was really loud! Incomprehensible because I was not there to listen, but the assemblied bunch was rapt! That they obscured a little the First Prize lego piece and a favorite photo of mine in the show was just the luck of the draw.
A very apologetic young woman bumped into my big old table yesterday and broke part of it. An embarrassed gallery attendant helped me try to put it back together. Of course, my attitude attempts to be "it's just part of the art!" but, I kind of like the symmetry that I've created. When I came up with the fifteen letters that are the text side of the piece, I had in mind that the letters might spell out other things and that, hopefully, others would take time to work that out. I failed to notice yesterday that some one had actually spelled something!
"Sure this love" works for me! And, I didn't see it until this morning when saving the photos!
I think I need to make an 'instruction' sheet for the piece and encourage folks to play with it. There are secret aspects to it that no one will discover... unless, of course, they really explore the piece.
Jill Bell's kanji is so crisp and clean. Teaching my friend, Lucy, about Chinese language was fun.
The Braille is problematic in that the glue I used for some of the 'beebles' that are on the corners of each cube face is not working well. I was recommended some terrific stuff e6000. I neglected to notice that it takes 24 hours to set up, so some of my repairs yesterday didn't hold. I really like how the ambient light in the gallery makes the lenses in the Braille itself change as one's relative position to the piece changes. The tiny spheres are lenses that refract the light and even images! (Okay.. they're marbles.. )
The Fall Guy is back on TV! My friend, David Somerville, co-wrote the theme song! Oh!! Oh!! and, here's Guest Star Tommy Madden, my old racquetball pal, leaping into the side car of a BMW motorcycle.. and now.. Whoa!! there's Michael Gregory, playing a tough guy with a shoulder holster. He's driving like a madman! It looks like Tommy is doing his own stunts! He was four feet tall and because of his close proximity to the ground, he beat me most of the time! I miss racquetball with Tommy! Saw Michael Gregory a couple of days ago. He's tougher than ever!
What a nice surprise to inform my little rambling for today.
August 21, 2016
yes.. I am still sad at the loss of my friend.
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