May 10, 2016
An alarming topic.. TROUBLE!!..
Last night I watched a documentary about how the police are becoming more and more like the military. The US military has been reported to give excess gear to local constabularies and just now I saw a machine on the TV news unlike any device I've ever seen. It's on bulldozer tracks and heavily armored. One soldier stands and advances on a home in San Bernardino where a 'gang affiliation' warrant was attempted to being served. The reactionary response to suspects not immediately complying with the 'law' is elevating and the military approach to forcing compliance is frightening. We are in serious trouble because the herd instinct and the business of 'we were only following orders' shunting personal responsibility for the destruction of lives and property is easier to implant in the types of personalities who are drawn to be police officers.
I once chatted at length with a cop. The question of why he was a policeman was answered in a not unexpected way. He said, "I like the uniform." Of course. The uniform gives him virtually ultimate power over others because it is supposed to represent the LAW. In fact, he was a person who likes to have power and is backed up by the 'law.' The cop's personal interpretation of taking down a perp may follow a chain of command, but the need to flex those muscles, draw the weapon, be an enforcer is undeniable. The cop I chatted with responded in another way that is a bit chilling. What would you do if you were not a cop? "I think I'd go back into the military," he said. There are personality types who like to wield power and it's that attitude that is exhibited now in San Bernardino with military 'police' in full battle gear, riding war machines and who may literally destroy a house where 'supects' are 'barricaded.' It's just wrong. The PBS docu is chilling. The "Peace Officer" whose story turns on the virtual murder of his son-in-law and the investigation he undertakes in Utah is a red flag that may just be blowing in the wind because we are becoming inured to seeing cops in battle gear with automatic weapons storming suspected homes to force their will instead of taking a moment to stand back and wait. This is a long documentary. I highly recommend it and hope to goodness that we, as a society, will find a way to peace in our own land. I am not hopeful. We don't call it the "police FORCE" for nothing.
Now!! I'm watching a Time Warner Cable 'change' commercial that echoes the mind bending performance of an 'inspirational speaker' touting 'change!' The herd of followers, like a weekend 'est' experience. The followers all fall in the chant, mindless and glassy eyed to be ready to 'change' to Time Warner Cable! It is literally frightening. It's also a really stupid commercial, but maybe folks just want to be a part of the 'group' to the extent that they lose their individuality and blend facelessly into the mush? It's scary! What is our society coming to? Seriously?? Do not drink the Kool-Aid!
I'm remembering INVASION OF THE BODY SNATCHERS and how everyone becomes a mindless pod person.. Golly! Watch the documentary and please pass it on.
May 10, 2016
Death, cults, politics, religion/cults and "policeFORCE" Ugh!