May 27, 2016
Karen Kondazian is an actress whom I know only slightly. She has worked with major names throughout her career, including Tennessee Williams. On Facebook today, she posted this quote from the playwright: Tom...
“Everything that is tearing us down today will become a memory, and this
memory will be shared as an anecdote or a story or a poem or a play or a
warning. It will be shared with another
human being, who will then understand that he is not alone in his
sadness. This is why we show up for others and tell our tales and listen
to others. The great congregation meets daily, and you are someone’s
angel today.”
Tennessee Williams Interview w/ James Grissom
Who is your angel today?
Memories play a more and more important part in my life as I marvel at how different remembrances continue to be prompted by daily activities and through mysterious connections that bubble up almost constantly: random and quantum leaps of thoughts. Williams calls his The Glass Menagerie 'a memory play' and now, just writing these words, I return to college days with an amazing set by Welby Wolfe on the stage I hope will one day be named for him in Frasier Hall in The (now) Langworthy Theatre. Tom was played by a student actor Dallas Martin. The actress who played Amanda, Lynn Johnstone. Fine actors. Laura's face I can see.. a slight blonde girl .. and Lang.. holding court from the house.
Arriving early for an audition yesterday, I had the unique and wonderful experience of bumping into a very talented lady I met a long time ago. Another great memory. We were reading for the same part!!
Arriving early for an audition yesterday, I had the unique and wonderful experience of bumping into a very talented lady I met a long time ago. Another great memory. We were reading for the same part!!
May 27, 2016
That is beautiful. I will be putting it on my page, I have had the benefit of the angels all around me the last few years. I strive to tell my stories and hope that they can lift a human heart.