January 15, 2021
I am a fan of the insights of Bill Svelmoe. His credentials are worthy. His style is breezy.. and I like what he has to say.
I'm concerned for my old Red classmates. This is directed to them. Sadly, I think that Marvin and Kay have deleted me from the email list. They accused me of "hurting" some of the old folks. What was upsetting, you may ask? Really? I simply asked them for whom they would vote, back in November. The epithets and hue and cry were surprising to me. I didn't campaign for anyone. I DID say I'd vote Blue, which may have been so "hurtful" that I was just declairing for myself? And, boy did they tell me off! 'None of yer bees wax!!' That spoke volumes. The friends who were upset with my just asking were probably (edit) republicans. My old friends who were liberally oriented wrote to me in private and declared themselves.. Denny, David, and some others who had been red but have seen the light. I'm grateful for their friendship.
The January 6th embarrassing and disturbing insurrection that was promulgated by this president is a stain on our country to the world. That this president is planning a military send off for himself is ironic, as he never served and, as commander in chief, probably had no clue as to what that meant. That the nuclear football is secure, I understand, is a bit of a relief. Does anyone else see his resemblance to Mussolini?
We wonder if 45 will pardon the thugs who crashed the Capitol Building, while ignoring the service of the Capitol Cops who put their lives on the line to face the well coordinated mob? What a class act, to call his loyal lap dog, Pence, a pussy. Of course, 45 knows pussy, as he declared and we ignored.
Who are the real patriots? Not the vandals, that's for sure.
For you old republicans? Please look in the mirror to see the faces of the people who enabled 45 to do his best to flush the USA down the crapper. You were fooled. I forgive you. Maybe you've seen the light? Let me know?
I wish that President Biden would not hold a public Inauguration Ceremony right now.. but he has not responded to my plea.
Here's Bill's latest essay:
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