
Tuesday, January 5, 2021

Svelmoe Strikes Again

Tuesday. Big election day in run offs in the USA! 

Getting to know the sharp wit and knowledge of Bill Svelmoe of South Bend is an education. My poor old republican pals from high school won't appreciate these little essays.  I mention them because I'm learning that their political leanings / sad leanings.. are more important to them than friendship.  What a shame it is that these people can't understand what Smelvoe understands and I am trying to understand: that the success of a society is about everyone in that society being healthy. Again, Bill's rhetoric is not totally in line with my way of expressing things, but I'm not going to edit his writing. 

The success of each of us turns on the success of the whole.  I wonder if these mild barbs might be seen by the old guys and maybe, in their hearts of hearts.. never to be admitted to...  but. THEY may know, that sticking to their party line today is really a losing cause.  Republicans!  Unite for three digit IQ reasoning! 

Thanks to Bill for allowing me to share his work.

Michael Sheehan


From Facebook January 5, 2021

Trump tweet a few hours ago: "The Vice President has the power to reject fraudulently chosen electors."
Trump at his Georgia rally last night: "I hope Mike Pence comes through for us. I hope that our great vice president -- our great vice president, comes through for us. He's a great guy. Of course, if he doesn't come through, I won't like him as much."
William Shakespeare lend us your quill. We are about to witness one of your classic moments. The hero's fatal flaw manifests. Will it destroy him?
Mike, don't answer that knock at the door. Remember that dark night at the crossroads when you sold your soul in exchange for four years at the seat of power. Well, Ol' Slew Foot has come to collect. Don't open the door.
You tried Mike. Reports are that you and your aides met with Trump just yesterday. You explained to the stable genius that your role tomorrow is ceremonial. You are simply a channel for the will of the people. A voice and a gavel.
But as soon as you walked out the door that great mind simply clicked back into place. You may as well never have opened your mouth. The only voice that mind hears is its own.
Tomorrow you will take your place in the well of the greatest legislative chamber in human history. It will be the end of a long day, a day that will demonstrate to the watching world the moral bankruptcy of your president and your party.
As you raise your gavel, you will picture your president, watching remotely, his itchy tweet finger ready to annihilate any ambition you once held to take his place behind that Resolute desk.
He set you up Mike. He set you up to take this fall. All those MAGA-heads in the streets! They now believe you can rap that hammer in your hand and change history. Change reality. Victory for their hero, they now believe, four more years of owning the libs, simply awaits words from your mouth.
You are alone Mike. The world is watching. But you are alone.
Mother is back in the residence. She can't help you.
Perhaps Jesus will stand alongside you. He'll whisper, "They crucified me once, too, Mike. My own people. Ungrateful bastards. But, I rose in three days, Mike. Three days likely won't help you, but maybe three years, Mike. Maybe, three years."
I don't know what you're going to do Mike. Perhaps you won't know yourself until you let that gavel fall and open your mouth to speak.
But whatever you do, whatever you say, you're going to make a great story ...
Bill Svelmoe

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