These words make sense to me. Share them as you may. I post them here with Bill's permission.
Michael Sheehan
January 17, 2021
These words make sense to me. Share them as you may. I post them here with Bill's permission.
Michael Sheehan
January 17, 2021
January 15, 2021
I am a fan of the insights of Bill Svelmoe. His credentials are worthy. His style is breezy.. and I like what he has to say.
I'm concerned for my old Red classmates. This is directed to them. Sadly, I think that Marvin and Kay have deleted me from the email list. They accused me of "hurting" some of the old folks. What was upsetting, you may ask? Really? I simply asked them for whom they would vote, back in November. The epithets and hue and cry were surprising to me. I didn't campaign for anyone. I DID say I'd vote Blue, which may have been so "hurtful" that I was just declairing for myself? And, boy did they tell me off! 'None of yer bees wax!!' That spoke volumes. The friends who were upset with my just asking were probably (edit) republicans. My old friends who were liberally oriented wrote to me in private and declared themselves.. Denny, David, and some others who had been red but have seen the light. I'm grateful for their friendship.
The January 6th embarrassing and disturbing insurrection that was promulgated by this president is a stain on our country to the world. That this president is planning a military send off for himself is ironic, as he never served and, as commander in chief, probably had no clue as to what that meant. That the nuclear football is secure, I understand, is a bit of a relief. Does anyone else see his resemblance to Mussolini?
We wonder if 45 will pardon the thugs who crashed the Capitol Building, while ignoring the service of the Capitol Cops who put their lives on the line to face the well coordinated mob? What a class act, to call his loyal lap dog, Pence, a pussy. Of course, 45 knows pussy, as he declared and we ignored.
Who are the real patriots? Not the vandals, that's for sure.
For you old republicans? Please look in the mirror to see the faces of the people who enabled 45 to do his best to flush the USA down the crapper. You were fooled. I forgive you. Maybe you've seen the light? Let me know?
I wish that President Biden would not hold a public Inauguration Ceremony right now.. but he has not responded to my plea.
Here's Bill's latest essay:
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With eight more days to go until the Inauguration of Joseph Biden as the President of the United States, the actions of an angry mob, goaded to service by the current president.. so sad.. (to coin a phrase).. we wait to see if the leaders of the United States will step up to impeach him.. again.
Repeated images of the mob attacking the US Capitol building are disturbing in their brutal honesty. If 45 had led the march as he said he would (but did not), it might have been like good old Marty Luther nailing up his complaints. That would have been a classy act. We know 45 did not want that. He wanted what Rudy Giuliani proclaimed, "Trial by combat!"
My eloquent pal, Bill Svelmoe, carries on a bit. I respect his views and share them here from time to time because his background as the son of evangelical missionaries lends credibility to his views. I share them here, especially for my old high school pals who got so upset when I simply asked them, before the election, for whom they'd vote. Evidently, my innocent question "hurt" some of them. Those who called 'FOUL' may blame me for their being hurt, sadly, it's the person in the mirror where the blame lies.
I just ask questions... and.. I declare myself proud to have voted for Biden/ Harris. Period.
Here's Bill Svelmoe's latest rant. I so respect this guy. I have not vetted his story of the Proud Boys, but Bill is a credible guy, to me. Direct responses to directortv41 at yahoo dot com...
Bill Svelmoe rocks his education and his upbringing to help folks who want to get answers.. well... begin to get answers. This short essay by Bill was posted on Facebook in the aftermath of the uprising at the U.S. Capitol which was promulgated by the 45th president on Wednesday, January 6, 2021. It speaks volumes. Just as the ceremony to cast the Electoral College votes to proclaim Joe Biden and Kamala Harris the 45th President of the United States and whatever number Kamala gets.. was underway, all Hell, literally, broke loose in Washington, D.C.
Why? Bill's educated take may give us all food for thought. Thank you, Professor Velmoe.
I have not vetted the links Bill tacked onto his essay.
Michael Sheehan
January 8, 2021
by Bill Svelmoe
Tuesday. Big election day in run offs in the USA!
Getting to know the sharp wit and knowledge of Bill Svelmoe of South Bend is an education. My poor old republican pals from high school won't appreciate these little essays. I mention them because I'm learning that their political leanings / sad leanings.. are more important to them than friendship. What a shame it is that these people can't understand what Smelvoe understands and I am trying to understand: that the success of a society is about everyone in that society being healthy. Again, Bill's rhetoric is not totally in line with my way of expressing things, but I'm not going to edit his writing.
The success of each of us turns on the success of the whole. I wonder if these mild barbs might be seen by the old guys and maybe, in their hearts of hearts.. never to be admitted to... but. THEY may know, that sticking to their party line today is really a losing cause. Republicans! Unite for three digit IQ reasoning!
Thanks to Bill for allowing me to share his work.
Michael Sheehan
From Facebook January 5, 2021
When the disaster of the appointment of Amy Coney Barrett to the SCOTUS was burgeoning, this guy in Indiana wrote a scenario that might have been a key to sidetracking her appointment. It went viral. It was brilliant.
I wanted to do a brief theatre version of his proposed questions by the Committee... Never happened, but that idea introduced me to Bill Svelmoe. His take on the way the world is slip sliding one way and another is, at once cogent .. biased!.. and rightly so.. er.. leftly so.. and matter of fact. I tend to eschew pejoratives, but Bill slips them in sometimes. I won't edit his writing.
Bill has given me permission to share his current thoughts on the "interregnum" we are now well past the middle of (look it up.. it's good for your vocabulary). His credentials (he's a college professor, published author and theatre guy) are impressive to me. And, he sails a level course, even in the rough waters that are splashing left and right just now.
This from
Bill Svelmoe in South Bend: