November 11, 2016 (see addendum below)
The Sisyphusian task to lobby the 538 Electors in the Electoral College has begun. The problem is that it's difficult to figure out who;s Blue and who's Red. I encourage all of us to do some research and to see if even one member of the Electoral College can be persuaded to change a Red Vote to Blue.
I'm still feeling blindsided by this horrible state of affairs and literally turning off the TV set and deleting photos of the orange man is a challenge. How to accept that this travesty has happened and the stories of his rude behavior now becoming okay for his supporters to reflect bigotry and attack folks who are different is difficult and really terrible.
If the ball gets rolling on my hope for reversal of the election by the Electoral College, the country may settle into a time of discovery. Regardless, right now I can hear Bette Davis's line in All About Eve, "Fasten your seat belts.... " I've gotten the second part of that line wrong for years! Do you know what it is?
It's Veterans Day. My subject line is based on a chat I had on Wednesday with a Viet Nam vet, George. He wants to be the 'last veteran' and though he is not.. When we decide to be one world and one planet, perhaps the people who are sucked into the omnivorous maw of war will no longer have to kill one another.
Please do some research and see if you can connect with one Elector? Change can only happen if we actually do something.
Make it a better day!
November 11, 2016
The business of politics is, ultimately, war. When ideas and ideals are so divided that lives are threatened and friends become casualties, that is a very sad thing. The death of a friendship is maybe worse than an actual death. This horrible situation that has folks taking to the streets and a huckster being greeted by one of the best Presidents the USA has ever had is a blow to my spirit.
If we are governed by a mean spirited egomaniac and half of our country wants that to happen, it's a slap in the face and a spit into the eye of the half that won the majority vote for President. The loss of a misguided friend, who, I am sure thinks that I am misguided, is a blow. When the 'facts' mean one thing to one person and another to another, it's all about our wiring. Debate from a false analogy on an opposing side will always find that side the 'winner.' If I cannot accept your 'facts' then we have no level playing field for any sort of debate. Gloating and manipulating the feelings of another is, to me, just wrong.
I just hope that the rancor and sadness that are burgeoning in our country today may find a way to Peace. Our new 'leaders' are not peaceful people. My now divorced friend is not a peaceful man either. I really hope that the long shot of turning the election around becomes reality no matter how much of a 'false hope' that may be to the cynics and conservative folks who, to me, are beyond conservativism..
Fascism is at our door step. The wolf is no longer just down the street, he's coming up the steps and doesn't give a hoot how you feel.
Pogo comes to mind! "We have met the enemy and he is us!"
Three PM a sad sad Veterans' Day 2016
The business of politics is, ultimately, war. When ideas and ideals are so divided that lives are threatened and friends become casualties, that is a very sad thing. The death of a friendship is maybe worse than an actual death. This horrible situation that has folks taking to the streets and a huckster being greeted by one of the best Presidents the USA has ever had is a blow to my spirit.
If we are governed by a mean spirited egomaniac and half of our country wants that to happen, it's a slap in the face and a spit into the eye of the half that won the majority vote for President. The loss of a misguided friend, who, I am sure thinks that I am misguided, is a blow. When the 'facts' mean one thing to one person and another to another, it's all about our wiring. Debate from a false analogy on an opposing side will always find that side the 'winner.' If I cannot accept your 'facts' then we have no level playing field for any sort of debate. Gloating and manipulating the feelings of another is, to me, just wrong.
I just hope that the rancor and sadness that are burgeoning in our country today may find a way to Peace. Our new 'leaders' are not peaceful people. My now divorced friend is not a peaceful man either. I really hope that the long shot of turning the election around becomes reality no matter how much of a 'false hope' that may be to the cynics and conservative folks who, to me, are beyond conservativism..
Fascism is at our door step. The wolf is no longer just down the street, he's coming up the steps and doesn't give a hoot how you feel.
Pogo comes to mind! "We have met the enemy and he is us!"
Three PM a sad sad Veterans' Day 2016
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