November 10, 2016
OH oh. my.
Pole axed! That's the term it took me half a day to remember yesterday. It means being struck with a heavy object that so staggers you that you fall down and are probably unconscious: disoriented and hurting. It seems so long ago that the sad news came in. Time warp?
I forced myself out of the house yesterday and headed downtown. Downtown L.A. at rush hour is a trip. If one has patience and allows time, it's really interesting to see a double long city bus stuck across Alameda at the 101 with traffic backed up for half a mile and the Metro guy trying to guide the bus driver to inch up and move forward in such a way as to get going again. Some drivers were impatient, but for the most part understood that we'd only move when the bus got clear. Taking turns is the right thing to do. Patience is a virtue!
I have now vowed to not utter the name of the republicant again nor will I write his name, nor that of the other guy, his pal. I did some research and learned that it ain't over until the electoral college meets and formally finalizes the election. I don't know when or where they meet nor how the votes are cast, but there is precedent for electors voting not for the 'elected' candidate! Of course, that was when the candidate was dead or something. But here's chapter and verse from a search I just did: "Are Electors bound to vote for the candidate who won in their state?"
"Today, it is rare for Electors to disregard the popular vote by casting
their electoral vote for someone other than their party's candidate.
Electors generally hold a leadership position in their party or were
chosen to recognize years of loyal service to the party. Throughout our
history as a nation, more than 99 percent of Electors have voted as
What would happen if the electors from the Red states decided that for the good of our country that they would refuse to support the state's mandate. The research says that no one has ever been prosecuted for not casting their vote for the proscribed candidate. 99 Percent! A one in a hundred chance? Interesting idea. Very. These Electors are called "Faithless Electors" and I encourage us all to do research to find that tiny loophole where the popular vote might prevail.
Last night TV
news reported that literally thousands have taken to the streets in
protest of the election. Here in Los Angeles, I just missed the demonstration shutting down
the 101 at Alameda! Social Media at work! Maybe the voices of the
people will make a difference. I cannot imagine the White House all
gilded and cheap looking.. Well.. actually, I can and I don't like it.
Just now, seeing MY President in a meeting with the orange man was sad. Barack Obama is a class act. He was, in fact, looking tired but said all the things a good person would say. Meeting face to face for the first time with a snide, mean person and showing what many might claim 'undue' respect is the way a gentleman does things. Putting up a good front in the face of calamity.
Totally off point, I remember an election in Greeley where a new sheriff had been elected. The old sheriff who had lost the election presented the new sheriff with all of the keys to the jail: unmarked... in a paper sack!
About the art. Doug Aitken's huge retrospective at MOCA at the Geffen, is spectacular. The central video installation fills the main gallery with sound and images. In the South Gallery, three gigantic video screens feature a 'what if scenario' with wild animals introduced into various cheap motel rooms. The couple of hours I spent with this retrospective really helped with this odd feeling of disorientation and grief. I left my art at the Geffen.
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Beeble at the Geffen / Sheehan |
A trip to Pasadena last night found me in the company of Unitarians gathered together to commiserate and add a touch of ritual for comfort. Sincere Tara Little and her church members and others, about ninety folks, gave one another comfort and care. Hopefully there will be more gatherings where we, the befuddled and the disenfranchised may meet and be still.
November 10, 2016
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Chayote 11/10/16 |
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