
Monday, October 24, 2016


October 24, 2016
"No on M"..   I judge!  Yes..  judgemental moi.  We all judge, actually.. but use the term "judgemental" as a pejorative.  In fact, to survive we have to make judgements all the time.  The tone of the Yes on M campaign,  heavily advertised on local TV, touts more light rail and bus transportation, tagging on "expanded freeways."  Driving up the 405 last night, it was crowded a bit and slowed at the junction of the 101. Not bad for a Sunday.  My contention, however, with all of our LA freeways, anyhow, is that if we keep it up, ten lane freeways may become a reality?  Keep our freeways the way they are now and add more incentives for taking public transportation, sez me. And, educate drivers starting at an early age with playground games to facilitate traffic so that the guy in the far left lane realizes he has nine lanes to cross in about fifty yards (okay. poor planning). he can cross the lanes of traffic via the courtesy of the more awake other drivers!  (like that will happen!?)

The chilly "tone" of doom in the TV ads I am seeing, especially for the "keep the death penalty" faction, is enhanced by people who are tough and a little scary!  If Californians vote YES on Prop 62, we eliminate the death penalty.  If we are a 'civilized' society, we won't kill anyone.  I have not vetted this, but it's been said it's more expensive to execute a criminal than to keep him incarcerated for life.  (Citations are welcome.)

Voting Yes on the Pot Bill, Prop 64, legalizing the recreational use of marijuana, I hope it will mean not incarcerating more thousands of folks who were sent to jail for minimal amounts of the weed.  If we can contain alcohol, even with the issues we have with it, it seems to me that the literally billions in taxes that will be reaped, as in Colorado, can outweigh the negative issues.

   I had a nice chat with an actress who needed to chat last night.   It made me think this morning about Henry Darger.  The art world is a better place because of Henry's unintentional contribution.  From all accounts Henry was probably "on the spectrum" living in Chicago into old age and his death in a small apartment owned by Nathan and Kiyoko Lerner.  When Henry died, Nathan and a friend went to clear out the cluttered room where he had lived for many years. They discovered literally a ton of stuff that became 'the collection' reflecting among the clutter, Henry's chronicle of an imaginary war between fictional factions (probably based on the Civil War) with illustrations taken from coloring books and odd other sources, all created from his meager salary as a custodian at a Catholic girls' school.  

Nathan Lerner has passed away now. Henry's estate is administered by Nathan's widow, Kiyoko, a concert pianist. She has optioned Henry's story a time or two to movie producers. I've not heard if a project has been 'green lit.'   A wonderful book, "In the Realms of the Unreal" by John M. MacGregor and a documentary by Jessica Yu that gives insight to Darger's obsession, are both worth a look.  I've lost touch with Kiyoko, but hope that a new producer will lasso Dustin Hoffman and make a spectacular film.  Maybe you know Dustin? He should produce this one!  Refer him to me and I'll put him in touch with Mrs. Lerner. If Robin Williams was still around, his take on Henry would be amazing, too... using techniques like Vincent Ward used in "What Dreams May Come."  Darger's work is pure and focused.  I don't think he ever intended to share it with anyone.. it was his true passion.  

// The rains have come!  It's a start.  Made changes on my pebbles! 

October 24, 2016
Michael Sheehan
Two new reviews for onstagelosangeles!

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