
Monday, September 5, 2016


September 5, 2016

The ice cream debacle!  Not that anyone else will much care, but there are contradictory issues now sticking their creamy little noses into my complaint about Thrifty Ice Cream!  More research SHALL be done and this project may turn into Schrodinger's Pint! 

If one has a magnifying glass and the ability to convert grams to ounces in ones head, from the information on the One Pint Carton,  we get two pieces of information:  "Four servings at 1/2 cup each" (4oz!) which becomes SIXTEEN OUNCES... or "68 grams" (about 2.4 oz!!!) which becomes only 9.6 ounces!!.  We have lost over 40 percent!

So.. Thrifty Ice Cream confuses the issue by posting grams in the tiny print and using the terms: cup and gram.  My contention is that a pint of milk or cream in the store will weigh sixteen ounces in weight: two cups.  Ice cream, to me, is no different even though it is frozen.

However, if one uses grams (and David Reger has suggested we go to the metric system to try to get things more easily figured out.. ) then they are informing us in tiny print that a pint is not a pint but only 272 grams or 9.6 ounces, which you must calculate from the "1/2 cup" serving size of 68 grams!  

Because buying a hand packed pint of ice cream at Baskin Robbins entails the ice cream being weighed on an actual scales, we know that a BR pint will weigh sixteen ounces.. or did the last time I got a hand packed pint there. Might be apples and oranges??

So.. for Geoff Hayden and others who declare that a pint is not a pint, you are right! Conversely, at least to me, the labeling on Thrifty Ice Cream is contradictory and misleading.  Also, the issue of the weight of Ben and Jerry's being half again heavier than the Thrifty (which might be only 14.25 ounces!?) but that's closer, at least, to a true 16 ounce pint... to me. 

So..  a tempest in my Schrodinger Pint? I guess so. Of course, we are being deceived daily with half truths and out right lies about things that we take for granted.  Departments of Weights and Measures are busy all the time, I'm sure, but it may be up to the consumer to perform due diligence to decide if they are getting the full value of their dollar.  Film to follow!


Meanwhile!!!  Has the Virgin Mary made an appearance at my neighbor's house?? The new St. Mother Theresa?


Maybe she can solve the mystery of the missing ice cream?

Labor Day, September 5, 2016

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