September 24, 2016
Off to the LAMAG to retrieve my installation in a few minutes. I hope to self publish a book that will contain photos of the artwork as well as the creative process that I recorded over the period of time that I conceived and finally executed the piece.
There's a big works on paper art opening for the Brand Associates tonight starting at Six PM at the Brand in Glendale. I'm remembering the opening I had there with the blue hair docents and the "no wine" policy that embarrassed me and my friends who wanted to be generous. I think the City of Glendale may have gone "wet" by now, these many years later.
There's a wild play in Hollywood at The Ruby at the Complex on Santa Monica Blvd. Theatre Row.. "Punch and Judy" is profane and highly charged with mayhem and fun. That is .. if you go for that sort of thing. Crisp direction and intensely focused actors combine to crank out an hour of wild entertainment, if you go for that sort of thing.
September 24, 2016
michael sheehan
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