June 29, 2016
Conspiracy? Is there a conspiracy to somehow catalog folks who may be at home during the day and so harass them that, eventually, they cave in to some 'charity' solicitation or to accept an offer for a free estimate? Recently, I asked a telephone solicitor if they would ever respond to a cold call. They hung up on me. Today, the phone has rung over five times. The first time there was someone actually there. When I asked him to please remove my number from his calling list, he responded that he'd call me every day. At least I'll have the illusion that a real person is actually calling. The other four calls (so far) today were by robots with nothing to say. Gaslight??
Being in trouble is no fun. Uh oh.. Unknown caller with a fax tone three times in a row. Keeps me on my toes but ... it's more annoying trouble.
Of course, if the people who programmed the robots could ever be reached, they might even apologize and take my number off of their calling list. As we fail more and more as commuicators, this is unlikely to happen. Meanwhile, I still feel in trouble with people whom I love and admire and unless they are willing to find new paths to communication, then angst and discomfort will prevail.
Today, evidently, is the birthday of Antoine de St. Exupery. His book, "The Little Prince" is a favorite of mine. I was first turned on to it by a woman I met when staying up in the Lake Arrowhead area. I'd never heard of it. Went to the local library and read it in one sitting. (Well, it's not very long.)... The essential message is one that I truly believe. "It is only with the heart that one may see rightly..." Not everyone agrees.
Conrad Janis played the father of Mindy on Mork and Mindy. An interesting take on the thread of the show has guests at a birthday party for Tom Poston's character sharing 'regrets' with the party goers. Conrad tells a very heartfelt story of being a soldier in the Korean War. After a severe shelling, he was charged by an enemy with a fixed bayonet. Conrad is regretful that he had to defend himself: to pull the trigger of his rifle, killing the attacker. In the midst of this bevy of comedy genius, this story brought the reality of life to me a little. We do what we must to survive. Of course, it's not always as simple as reacting to an attack. Should we be glad for that? What can one do when a door is slammed in one's face or even worse when our efforts are simply ignored?
June 29, 2016
Keep knocking.