June 15, 2016
I wonder if the Westboro Baptists will have something to say about the loss of a two year old child who was dragged into the water by an alligator in Orlando? I wonder if the parents will be "blamed" or if the term 'responsibility' will be in play? In our society, the loss of life is mourned on a sliding scale. We find our hearts touched by tragedies such as the terrible murders at Pulse in Orlando as well as the loss of an innocent kid who has been, probably... eaten by an alligator. Why the kid and an 'older sibling' were playing in the water at what was reported as about 9:30 at night may come to light, but that does not bring the baby back. It's a tragedy no less than the murders, just heart rending and different. More personal? Innocence and responsibility in a world that becomes more dangerous every day are up for grabs. As the media makes sure that we are 'informed' we must put into perspective the fact that even with fifty dead in a 'safe haven' gay night spot and the chances of being attacked by an alligator are still millions to one. We mourn the families of both the victims of the murders and the devastated family at the Disney resort in Orlando. They will, of course, forever, ask themselves "what happened?" What happened was that in the case of the child in the water, the parents must, ultimately, take responsibility for what happened to their baby. It must be unimaginable to even remotely consider going on with life after such a terrible and bizarre incident. Congress will not regulate or ban alligators. Disney will pay in some way. Intelligent folks will understand that 'shit happens' and be sorry and cautious where danger ... like gorillas at the zoo or a playground where wild animals or sharks or snakes or ticks or cockle burrs: threatening things may be lurking, but we should not, not, not.. cower nor have the thought that the boogie man or the killer or the terrorist is out to get us personally. Wild animals want food. Bad guys want attention; to wage their personal wars. It is vital that we put in perspective the 'danger factor.' We must not be cowed to huddle behind bolted doors. Perspective is so important.
9:45 PM Just heard on the news that the child has been found dead. Evidently, the father was on the beach with the little boy and tried to rescue him by grabbing the gator, but was not successful. It's a real tragedy. My take on the parents leaving the children out alone was mistaken. Hopefully, this family can find solace somewhere. This one is truly unimaginable. So sorry.
9:45 PM Just heard on the news that the child has been found dead. Evidently, the father was on the beach with the little boy and tried to rescue him by grabbing the gator, but was not successful. It's a real tragedy. My take on the parents leaving the children out alone was mistaken. Hopefully, this family can find solace somewhere. This one is truly unimaginable. So sorry.
I loved Hill Street Blues. It dominated my TV viewing in the eighties. After the opening of each show: after dismissing roll call, Michael Conrad, the crusty Sgt. Phil Esterhaus would stop the cops as they headed out to their morning watch: "Hey! Let's be careful out there!" As, indeed we all should, but not at the expense of our enjoyment of our lives.
On another note. I briefly engaged a 'bargain long distance telephone provider' because my current service is calling it quits. They sent a survey asking my reaction to the responses and exchange that I had with their company. It was 'liked' or 'disliked' or words to that effect. I sent back a note saying that 'black and white' was not a good survey. Someone at the company responded and wrote, "Black and white never works for me, either!" I think it was a good joke, but now.. ???
With the election still too far away and lots of work to do on my submission for the LA Municipal Art Gallery Open Call, I'm focused on my personal stuff. My toughest problem right now is coming up with sound making devices to include in the sixteen eight inch cardboard cubes for this project. Your ideas are welcome. I already have wooden blocks and beads and BBs and glass marbles and other things. I am looking for a small portable radio or battery operated toy that might wriggle or squiggle. Oh, wait! I have one of those. Yes.. suggestions are welcome: directortv41@yahoo
Be careful out there.
June 15, 2016
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