
Saturday, March 12, 2016


March 12, 2016

Trouble?  Chicago riots and a mean looking cop emerges bloody from a canceled political rally.  Dr. King and Gandhi are spinning. Name calling and rancor only beget more of the same.  A dear friend on FB is appalled by what is happening and a knee jerk reaction from me birthed this:

If we put this in persective.. maybe.. we have allowed this to happen, just like the Germans did in the thirties. Mob/herd mentality is literally contagious and if we don't educate ourselves and others to at least be civil, the hooligan element that thrives on rancor will blossom like a teen age zit. Deep breath, y'all.  

I like my 'zit' analogy.  It's inevitable with a bad diet and immaturity.   Not that my diet is great and maturity is an issue, for sure.  But, when we eat well and at least pretend to behave like a mature individuals, then we might take Lyndon Johnson's advice and 'reason together.' 

In my dream this morning a former love appeared in a strange vacant lot. My failed negotiations with a guy had to do with silver coins.  It's faded now.  I planted some 'Seedies' yesterday in the rain, which may have factored in?  Seedies are little balls of seeds designed to be tossed into fertile vacant lots or planted deliberately to provide flowers to help the bee population.

I like turtles.  There is one turtle in particular that I had made in Colorado many years ago that connects me to a very best friend.  This comes up because I have my TV set on and there was the tail end of a segment on rescued sea turtle hatchlings in Thailand.  They were returned to the same beach where their eggs had hatched and returned back into a beautiful lagoon where, the host said, they will return to start the cycle all over again. 

Whiskey Tango Foxtrot is a film that presents Tina Fey as a real actor in her own right.   Afghanistan! Why are US Troops there? Anyone? A scene I loved was a brief one where an old Afghanistan man approached a marine.  He asked through the interpreter if the marine was a Russian?   The black marine looked puzzled and said, 'No..'  The old guy returns to his cronies and says (in subtitle) "The Russians are black now. "

March 12, 2016

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