March 27, 2016
Easter Sunday.
Religion has created the most conflict the world will ever experience. Just a shame. I read Easter greetings from Christians who truly believe that a teacher with some really good basic ideas was a man and God. I am unsure about where the Holy Ghost comes in, but, to have a Trinity, you gotta have a third.
On a happier note, Bernie Sanders and his lovely wife (though not really centerfold material), Jane O'Meara Sanders is shown happily winning something somewhere today. What I notice when I am trapped with my fingers on the keyboard with the television set keeping me company and watch the republican candidates making speeches compared to Sanders' supporters is that the Sanders supporters' attitude and look of joy and celebration is somehow less fanatical than those other candidates. This comes down to 'tone.'
I learned the term tone vis a vis differing points of view when the Screen Actors Guild elections were getting out of hand. The tone of the Membership First faction was fanatical (to me) and a little scary. Unite for Strength candidates were more moderate. It all came down to the tone of voice and over all attitude that prevailed.
Finding strength and putting reason first is problematic because we all perceive 'reason' and 'strength' in different ways. Just ask Michael Gregory (bfstar!)
This brings me back to the vernal equinox, now past and the coincidence of religious holidays and tone. If folks want to have beliefs and use them to guide their lives, that should be okay. Of course it's only okay until we have The Crusades or ethnic cleansing or the Holocaust or folks who, like the Westboro Baptist Church folks, decide to make life difficult for the rest of us.
On TV I am watching an Easter Egg Hunt that was created in a way I like. From a hovering helicopter, trash cans filled with plastic eggs were dumped onto a huge field and the greedy little Christians all rushed out and filled their buckets and baskets to over flowing. Greed is good?
FYI.. In today's title I mention Mithra because he was a guy about two thousand years ago who ran around with twelve friends and taught stuff. He was Persian, I think. Ishtar is just a favorite movie.. You can Google them both and make your own comparisons.

Oh!! Look! Who is the babe in the new B-man/ S-man debacle? Mmmm!!
Happy Easter
March 27, 2016
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