Valentine's Day!
I hope you got a valentine. I did!
I'm remembering now that it was my responsibility to create a Valentine Box for first or second grade and how much trouble I had cutting the hearts for the top of what must have been an old hat box. I think it worked out okay. An older kid was helping me, but I don't remember who he was. I do remember that he was patient and a big help. I speculated that in those days, all kids were given the names of every kid in their class and hopefully, every kid got thirty valentines. That would have been 900 little penny cards and envelopes in the box!
Jayme Odgers posted a really wonderful 'painting' that turned out to be a photo of a window sticker. I thought it was one of his paintings, but it was just 3" x 4" and a faded American Flag that seems to represent the dissolution of the Average American while the One Percent gobbles up the world. I often compare this to a Monopoly game where the goal is to bankrupt the rest of the players by owning all the property and charging more and more rent until the others 'die.' I met a young man a few years ago who was a slick player and he, indeed, won the game. He was not a very nice guy and I'm glad he is out of the picture now.
I make oblique references to protect the innocent.
I am reading SOPHIE'S WORLD. It is such a pleasure. I wish I'd had a mentor when I was fourteen like the girl in the book has. All the choices we make are influenced by our education: either in the School of Hard Knocks or the more formal book larnin'. How each of us gets to Valentine's Day, 2016 is up to us, ultimately and there's still time to grow. This book is a wonderful primer. well. so far.
More plays to see. A book fair to wade through. Happy Valentine's Day!
February 14, 2016
What a nice post!