February 15, 2016
Had a nice chat w/ my new neighbor. Sun shines. And, had a good talk with my dear friend, Johnny Gunn, last night. He's now ninety and going strong. We have a difference of opinion about some things. Without going into detail, I found this cartoon today which pretty much sums up what we were discussing:
Sorry that the artist is not credited. That's a truth. Of course, there might be another booth with an opportunity to hear Embarrassing, Omitted or Avoided Truths.
As I continue to read Sophie's World by the Norwegian novelist, Jostein Gaarder, I find myself drawn to understanding a little better what the issues in the world are right now. Basic philosophy has been changing forever. Some folks 'believe' what might be, to them, pure logic, but the twist is something internal. A personal spin. Socrates made the leaders of his world angry. Exit Socrates. Plato expanded and contracted on his teacher's ideas and along comes Aristotle to bend it all again. The 'Truth' may be malleable? Universal Truth? This novel is not a text book, but this Norwegian guy's take on philosophy as his mysterious character/teacher sends new information in bite sized chunks to his fourteen year old protege, Sophie Amundsen, tracks some interesting ideas. Ask questions. Pay Attention!
What it is all coming down to and what I love about the book is that the author is not advocating any particular Way. By learning about the history of philosophy we fine tune our thinking. I believe that critical thinking is vital to survival in life. Asking questions is vital. There may be no definitive answers and that's okay with me. It's when those who decide that only one way of thinking is right and then try to force those ideas onto others that things become problematic.
Harmony is the blend of many different notes and even discord can sound interesting sometimes ... and. and.. and... maybe John Cage's 4'33" is equally important. Now, the thought of Simon and Garfunkel's Sound of Silence pops up. Hello, Darkness...
Food for thought.
February 15, 2016
Thanks. I copied and saved this photo. It's great!