
Monday, February 29, 2016

Leap Day!

February 29, 2016
Leap Day!  
Up early to meet an old pal down from Oregon.  We head to MoCA and find free parking a block from the museum.  He has a head for contemporary art and the current offering at the museum is fairly tame, we saw some wonderful Rothkos and Hell's Gate Bridge, a Chris Burden erector set installation that I like a lot. 

It is interesting to me that all local news channels put helicopters in the sky to cover a slow car chase this evening. The expense of missing commercials and interrupting programming seems like a huge waste.  If they all cooperated and would cover from the air in segments of thirty minutes or so, sending the 'copters off on other assignments or just to land and save fuel, by handing off from 2 to 4 to 5 to 7..  or such? Might be a plan?   We are all fascinated by this type of thing and granted that it should be covered, but come on! This is a Hummer with a reported quarter tank of gas (how could they know?).  Kidnapping w/ reported two children in the big fat thing (those things are not cars!)... and a 'victim.'  They cruise down the 5 Freeway at 45 MPH.. the cops in warm pursuit.  One news anchor suggested that they just box the guy in.  I've long advocated that the CHP have cruisers that have seen their service and are being cycled out to be painted a nondescript color with a number on top for ease of identifying from the air, beef up the windows with plexiglas and put kevlar in the doors and then, have these cars at the ready at every CHP headquarters to be rolled out to simply surround a running perpetrator and grind him/her to a stop.  The cop who was commenting said that running drivers may ram the cars around him, but with cars that were basically out of service and with trained "grinders" doing the stop, bullet proof windows, these heavy duty former cop cars would be expendable.  By the time the police and CHP recycle a car (I think at about only 100K miles)..  it's tired but would work! 

Oh well.  A nice lunch at the California Pizza Kitchen and a nice chat with my old friend has made this a really good day.  

Leap Day.. February 29, 2016


Sunday, February 28, 2016


February 28, 2016
Oscar Sunday.  
Many years ago I was just up the street from this view and mentioned to the host of the Oscar party that I was attending that I was looking for a home to buy.  Maybe I said, "... a house?" 
"That little house just down the hill has been empty for a while," he said.
Long story short.  Here I am all these years later, remembering that party and how grateful I am to my good friend, Tom W., who encouraged me and advised me every step of the way.   

About  KNIGHT OF CUPS..  Terrence Malick is an unusual guy.  I think I'm going to rent all of his films over the next several weeks and see how they hold up.  I loved TREE OF LIFE because it was so disjointed: Art.  Jan Munroe has compared KNIGHT OF CUPS to abstract painting.. maybe ditto for TREE OF LIFE?..  at any rate, Malick is the kind of director/writer who makes the audience do a lot of work. Most of us are lazy and want the painting or the movie to just simply tell us the story.   Ben Kingsley narrates and some of the narration is very cryptic.  At the outset he tells the story of the King of 'the east'  who sent his son, the Prince, to the west to find a wife and how he fell into a dream. It is epic in its scope: shot all over the place in and around Los Angeles, Venice, Downtown, Santa Monica.. the beach.. the desert...  pay attention to the dream.  

Christian Bale: the 'prince?' Cate Blanchett: the wife.  Natalie Portman: the affair.     Naked women and quick cuts, gorgeous cinematography. Lots of work for the audience and a real treat for the dreamer. 

Oscar tonight.  Chris Rock hosts a host of white nominees.   A black comic may become the Ricky Gervais of the Oscars?  My fingers are crossed for some pithy comments!  The Academy Awards!  Thanks to them, here I am. 

February 28, 2016 (not the last day of February!)
Watching West Side Story with the sound off.  Robert Wise directs  / Jerome Robbins choreographs..  What a classic!  

Saturday, February 27, 2016


February 27, 2016

Text to follow.  Off to see Malick's KNIGHT OF CUPS.  

I am seldom up very early these days.  See following post for comments on KoCups. 

February 27, 2016
Michael sheehan  

Friday, February 26, 2016


February 26, 2016
Gravity and Time.  Relentless.  

Happy Birthday, JC. 

Life and death are going on all the time, of course.  Finding out that Wally Burr is in the hospital is a shock.  The guy is indestructible. He survived WWII as a tank commander, for goodness sakes. 

Felicia Friesema continues to spend last hours with her husband, Steve Julian.  Her on going journal is articulate: poetic.  KPCC staff honors him with heart rending tribute.  Well deserved.   The bee's wax that Felicia has given me is in process for a piece of artwork.  

Here's to health and enjoying time: such as it is and while we have it. 

February 26, 2016



Thursday, February 25, 2016

Off to the Hammer

February 25, 2016

In my dream this morning I was hurrying like anything to get out the door to meet my friend, Leon, to go to The Hammer Museum in Westwood.  Now, it's almost time to leave and I'm hurrying like anything to get out the door to meet my friend, Leon, to go to The Hammer Museum in Westwood!! 

February 25, 2016

The Hammer exhibit "Leap Before You Look" is a wonderful trip back to a time when artists who wanted to take chances came to Black Mountain College and took a leap. 

We found free parking and enjoyed not only the Black Mountain work, but some of the permanent collection that includes Rembrandt and Van Gogh as well as other Old Masters and Impressionists.  The Hammer now features Free Admission! And, there's ping pong! 

I found out this afternoon that the well known animation director, Wally Burr, is in the hospital.  Director of thousands of cartoon episodes, the guy is a legend.  He's my friend.  Please hold a good thought ..   more news here as I get it.



Wednesday, February 24, 2016


February 24, 2016

Robocalls.  No one there.  Auto dial.  Recorded voice that announces that I'm a winner!  Carribean Cruise. Free Free Freeeeeeeeeeeeeee.

Lately, I've been answering the phone, "Home Depot..."  One solicitor asked, "Which one??"  ahh suspecting my ruse.  He almost got me.  The troubling thing is that some of the voices sound like they might have gone to college.  Sometimes, if I engage the solicitor, I'll ask if they have found Jesus.   One woman became incensed!  I said Hallelujah! 

Working on two new art pieces. Maybe three. The Bee's Wax (in neat little ingots!) that I got from Felicia Friesema are beautiful.
 Melting the wax is part of the whole process. A clean soup can, an ingot of bee's wax and a small vice grip are my tools. I have an electric hot pad thing that is for one cup of tea or coffee.  It's just the right temperature to keep the encaustic in a liquid state. 

Here's the work in progress: 
 Click on the images for a full effect. 

Waiting for the speedometer for my old bus.  My mechanic friend wondered what I needed a speedometer for!??  With no gas gauge, keeping track of my miles is the key to not being stranded in the boondocks!

Happy Birthday, Mystery Woman.

February 24, 2016

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Black Mountain!

February 23, 2016
Happy Birthday, Mystery Woman? 

The gorilla over the Shoe Factory seems to be changing.  Life goes on.

Got a call from a favorite student yesterday after I shared a notice about an exhibit at The Hammer Museum in Westwood (LA) that is called Leap before you Look He suggested that we head over to see it.  

This is a real treat because it recalls some very special times that I had as a teacher many years ago.  Leon.  I brag on this guy all the time because he had a very fertile imagination and was always totally reliable.  In his life he's overcome adversity that most of us cannot imagine.  Has some kids.. and grandkids (upon whom he dotes!!).  Lives in Portland now.  It'll be a treat to see him.  

My four play reviews are now up.  I seem to be more critical these days.  One should take into consideration all of the elements that a company of players goes through to come up with a performance.  It's a massive cooperative that often functions on a shoestring.  Every production has a unique personality.  The one thing in common, amongst the many, is the love of the craft: the art of the theatre.  The high school kids I taught as theatre students all those many years ago were dedicated.  (I may have learned more from them than they ever did from me.)  They may have been more dedicated than even I was.  Gosh.  The Theatre.. Stella Adler's book title comes to mind: A Respect for Acting.   A great performance is, to me, one that is selfless and contained in such a way that the performance sweeps the audience up and embraces us.  Carries us away.

I see my role as a theatre 'critic'..  I mostly review and only now and then attempt to actually critique... is to do a report on one specific performance that I see. It may be an "on" day or a middle day or an off day for the cast and crew.  Live theatre, a couple of hours when we are all engaged in art.  No distractions.  Just the audience and the performance.   I was upset with an 'announcement' that shook me out of the beginning of Tempest Redux at the Odyssey on Sunday. The actors and the producers had created an intimate atmosphere with lighting and preshow music setting the scene for the play to emerge.  THEN! a recorded voice 'reminded' the audience about all that stuff that we mostly remember to do: turn off phones.. etc.  It toally burst the mood that had been established as the audience entered and took their seats.   Taking issue with an issue like this may be nit picking, but it so rankled me, that it changed the way that the play evolved... for me. 

Thanks to Dr. Ray DeBoer, my college semantics professor, I try my best to always couch my opinions in "to me."   Ray's only 'absolute' was that his religious faith was universal.  He was a Presbyterian!  I wonder why I remember that? Before he died, I called him and thanked him for his support as my advisor and teacher.  I was flattered that he remembered me.   I'll never forget him. On the other hand, I called a junior high teacher who had been influential and he had no idea who I was!  Oy.. Now I can only remember his first name: Chuck! (Charles) Heath Junior High? Good old Chuck! Thompson? Anyone?? 

February 23, 2016


Monday, February 22, 2016

Welcome.. again.. Pisces!

February 22, 2016

Happy Birthday, Mr. President.  Another George, but this one we can be proud of! 

My long march of four plays in five days is almost complete.  Tempest Redux at the Odyssey is worth a drive to the West Side (of Los Angeles). Not without some issues, Jack Stehlin as Prospero plays sans staff?  Review to follow.

Spring is on us early and though we need moisture, these warm days are delightful.  However, if  you are in Southern California and think that a little trip to Santa Monica on a Sunday is a good idea, consider parking miles away and walking or taking the bus.  Of course, the bus is in the same situation that you might be in a car.. so the walk is the best bet.   I wanted to check out the petanque courts at Ocean and Broadway and got as far as Broadway and 7th Street when I gave up and headed off to the theatre. Lesson learned. 

February 22, 2016


Sunday, February 21, 2016

Sunday 2/21/16

February 21, 2016

I really like The Boston Court Theatre on Mentor in Pasadena.   I'll get to the review of Colony Collapse in a little while.  There's a lot to absorb.  It's a mixed bag.

The Tempest/Redux will blossom at the Odyssey this afternoon.

Watching a trailer for SPOTLIGHT.  Being reminded of the very important work that The Boston Globe's 'Spotlight' feature did to uncover and report on child molestations by priests in the Catholic church makes me want to see it again.  It's up for Best Picture for Oscar next Sunday.  If you have not seen it, I highly recommend it.  Liev Schriber as the new editor (he is not nominated, but maybe should have been)  shows what acting is all about. My autocorrect suggests "mole stations!"  
Of course, the abuse of authority by anyone is inexcusable.  

Today is the birthday of the Mystery Woman: JC. Nineteen years ago we met. It is still a mystery. 

February 21, 2016

Saturday, February 20, 2016

Early Saturday: Amazing

February 20, 2016
A good friend is visiting my kitchen sink.  


This image from the porch is early... for me.  I also noticed direct sunlight from the east when I got up early today. For those of you who are 'larks'.. I applaud you.  The morning is a nice time of the day. 

Here comes Pisces!  

February 20, 2016

Friday, February 19, 2016


February 19, 2016
Summer's lease has yet to kick in.  A friend wrote to me an actual letter long ago. She said that her grandfather had said that when someone starts to talk about the weather in a letter that it's time to just stop writing. I think of her often and with much love.  We met at Greystone Mansion when, for one year, the Summer Solstice Dulcimer Festival was held there.  Summer's Lease was cooking like anything.  Her hair was to the middle of her back.  She was shy.  She was talented. She was married.

And, that's that. 

The woman I met when looking for a writer to help me write the movie script about a murder in the northern plains of Colorado never discusses the weather.  Her birthday is coming up and in the past nineteen years, I have never remembered the exact date.  She is one  of those mysterious women whom Leonard Cohen must have known intimately when he wrote SUZANNE.  Depending on your age and personal tastes, you either hear Leonard doing his own beautiful song.. or Judy Collins.  (Now I can hear Judy singing Desperado!)  I love both renditions.  Happy Birthday, mystery woman.   I love you. You will never sink beneath my wisdom like a stone.

February 19, 2016

Thursday, February 18, 2016


February 18, 2016

The moisture changes things dramatically. Six hour later I find a lone cloud. 

In the book I'm reading, the mentor is talking about Galileo and Newton and gravity.  Certainly, that colors my take on this daily view. The water in the trees pulls them into new shapes.  This rather abstract view of The Shoe Factory remind me a little of the wonderful artwork of Richard Diebenkorn. Click on photos for full effect. 

As I write a rave for The Complete History of America (Abridged), I find that my internet connection is down.  Interesting how ideas change.  I cannot look up the phone number for Charter Internet Provider Service on line.  Oh wait.. I'll get my last exorbitant bill! 

Other stuff.  More theatre this week.  Questions about how friends treat one another... or if they are really friends?  This is prompted by learning what I already know:  I am a helper.  Of course, helping is a good thing, but only if the poor schmuck who seems to need help asks for it!  I learned about listening from a very important friend in my life.  It's hard to just listen and very selfish sometimes to want to interject? A 'conversation' is an exchange.  Listening is not a conversation. I believe that questions and responses are a good thing, but I will now 'listen' to folks who seem to need to just be listened to.

Obscure and silly thoughts to ponder as I wonder if I'll ever be on line again!??  

It is now an hour later.  Kelly in Charter tech support and Tracey in Customer Service are very nice and well trained.  Because they are 21st Century women, they talk at the speed of light, probably because they have said the same speech many, many times.   However!!  I am back on line and this is comforting.

I highly recommend this hoot!  Tell The Falcon Box Office that onstagelosangeles sent you.  No discount, but a feather in my cap?   

February 18, 2016

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Wednesday! Clouds!

February 17, 2016

Please help me, I'm stalllllllllllllling... 

Seeing clouds of any kind will almost always put Joni Mitchell's "Both Sides Now" in my head. It'll ramble around for a while. Her beautifully thin and reedy soprano has always been a mysterious friend.  We have not heard of how she's doing... a lifetime romance with tobacco didn't help.  Send a good vibe.

It's such a pleasure to look out the front door and find a scene like this.  The weatherfolks say we may have some more rain. I've looked at clouds from this side now...   The vacant lot on the other side of the hill responded to the recent moisture with a shag carpet of new weeds that the owners will soon mow back down.  I made art on that lot years ago. Land Art. Green.        ART

My stalling is about fixing the stopped up sink in my kitchen.  I try to be good about not putting greasy stuff down the drain, but, evidently, I was not good enough.   Where did all those bottles of stuff under there come from?  I found a bottle of wine from the seventies!

Four plays to review this week!  What was I thinking?   

February 17, 2016

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Tuesday.. already?

February 16, 2016

Like finding Waldo, these very same days and similar times of the day when I shoot these images make it tough to discern much of a difference.  In the art that I make I like multiple images.  At this point I've made 56 images.  Really grateful for digital photography today.

Several years ago I made a pilgrimage to Colorado and made photos of every home my mother and I had lived in.  I took 35mm photos as well as making Polaroid color transfers.  Often, my work is about the labor and the results are just a record. I wonder if anyone understands that the final result is the product of years.  A lifetime, actually?   Currently, there's a project for Steve and Felicia on my deck wondering when I'll find my way back to it.  I'll pick up materials for it (Felicia's bee's wax) today or tomorrow.  Some of the materials are over ninety years old!  

Antaeus Theatre Company is into a capital campaign and are accepting donations to help bring their company to Glendale.  I will donate and their pitch says that even a dollar will help.  I'll post more information on my review site ( and here.  Antaeus will be a major draw to cultural Glendale.  If all goes well, City Council will find a way to give a break to the company members as well as to theatre goers with parking.  

The TV news says that more rain may be on the way!  Yay.

February 16, 2016

Monday, February 15, 2016

Sunny Monday

February 15, 2016
Had a nice chat w/ my new neighbor. Sun shines. And, had a good talk with my dear friend, Johnny Gunn, last night.  He's now ninety and going strong.  We have a difference of opinion about some things.  Without going into detail, I found this cartoon today which pretty much sums up what we were discussing:

 Sorry that the artist is not credited.  That's a truth. Of course, there might be another booth with an opportunity to hear Embarrassing, Omitted or Avoided  Truths.

As I continue to read Sophie's World by the Norwegian novelist, Jostein Gaarder,  I find myself drawn to understanding a little better what the issues in the world are right now.  Basic philosophy has been changing forever.  Some folks 'believe' what might be, to them, pure logic, but the twist is something internal. A personal spin. Socrates made the leaders of his world angry. Exit Socrates. Plato expanded and contracted on his teacher's ideas and along comes Aristotle to bend it all again.  The 'Truth' may be malleable?  Universal Truth?  This novel is not a text book, but this Norwegian guy's take on philosophy as his mysterious character/teacher sends new information in bite sized chunks to his fourteen year old protege, Sophie Amundsen, tracks some interesting ideas.  Ask questions. Pay Attention!

What it is all coming down to and what I love about the book is that the author is not advocating any particular Way. By learning about the history of philosophy we fine tune our thinking.  I believe that critical thinking is vital to survival in life.  Asking questions is vital.  There may be no definitive answers and that's okay with me.  It's when those who decide that only one way of thinking is right and then try to force those ideas onto others that things become problematic. 
Harmony is the blend of many different notes and even discord can sound interesting sometimes ... and. and.. and...  maybe John Cage's 4'33" is equally important.  Now, the thought of Simon and Garfunkel's Sound of Silence pops up.  Hello, Darkness...

Food for thought.  

I need a new speedometer for this old bus.  Helllp!

February 15, 2016