They say the rain is coming. "They" is Channel Seven News. I wonder.
One of the goals in this daily image deal is that I want for viewers to see the subtle differences in each one. One similar image that I've discovered is the gorilla profile at about three o'clock above "The Shoe Factory." What would Rorschach say about that? Is that a Siamese pagoda sticking out of his head? Thought bubbles? Wonder what he is thinking?
As it's Facebook that is my main outlet to the cyber world, I'm noting that many, if not most of the posts by my FB 'friends' post have to do with self promotion. Guess I'm doing that, too. It's sharing, but it is all about this art project (and theatre reviews which a friend insists are a benefit to the "community" and I'm still not so sure..). It's a blessing and a curse, this romp in the phosphors. I spend too much time on line.. maybe we all do?
Jayme Odgers' art show at the Offramp Gallery in Pasadena, his personal chronicle of the past few years in self portraits is beautifully sad and honest. Jayme is an artist who can really render and embraces concept in a way I really admire.
So? We are self promotional folks, sharing our stories, bickering with those who have the temerity to disagree (I've been mostly eliminating those negative FB folks) and learning through the grapevine what the main stream news may pick up hours later.
Evidently, it is a Leap Year! Yep.. Monday 2/29 is waiting on my calendar. Channel Seven says that rain and flooding is on its way. Where did I put those hatches to batten down?
January 3, 2016
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