It's the bullets. It's the bullets. It is the bullets.
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These are bullets They kill. Guns without bullets are fancy clubs.. |
The hue and cry of access to all kinds of guns and the cry of the right: "Second Amendment!! all forget that the way guns work is with bullets.
On Facebook and in person to others now and then, I remind folks that bullets make guns lethal. Certainly being battered with an automatic weapon might kill us, but that activity is .. at least.. one person at a time.
With the massacre in Monterey Park, California Saturday January 21, 2023 and a report of seven murdered in Half Moon Bay today, 1/23, it was because of bullets.
There will be dozens of 'well buts' that others might offer up to my call for a way to start tracking the sales of bullets that are used in automatic weapons, but acknowledging that the bullets, ultimately, are the problem is the goal. The man who killed eleven in Monterey Park and later commited suicide had a cache of ammunition. He had easy access to ammunition.
There are probably millions of bullets in the armories of people like the insurgents who attacked the Capitol on J6, but, if we start now to find a rational way to track large sales of ammunition for automatic weapons and levy penalties for those who self load , the same way moonshine is regulated. that would be a start.
This is a plea to ATFE and local leaders to examine the idea of regulating the ammo that is designed specifically for weapons of war. The "E" n ATFE is about Explosives.. which bullets must be. If Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms are now under the aegis of ATFE and Federal stamps are on Tobacco and Alcohol.. why can't there be a way to track and regulate the "E". .the bullets that explode and kill innocent citizens?
All of the arguments that say bullet regulation is impossible just don't fly. Had the Las Vegas assassin who killed 58 victms and left almost 500.. FIVE HUNDRED others wounded, not to mention the mental trauma radiating in wave after wave of sadness and fear beyond those who were attacked? Had his purchases been redflagged? What then?
Had this man, who wheeled into the Mandalay Bay Hotel a virtual arsenal of weapons and thousands of bullets been noticed as he accumulated his cache of thousands of bullets for automatic weapons, that horrible event five and a half years ago just might have been avoided.
When do we start? Now.
How do we start? I don't know..
This is just my note in a bottle tossed into the sea of cyberspace. If the leaders who can take this notion that it's the bullets.. and make manifest the idea that bullets for weapons of war must least.. tracked, we may be on the way to healing.
Currently, the United States is a land of fear and divisiveness exacerbated by the pandemic with more and more people teetering on the brink of failing mental health. In Colorado Springs? That murderer had announced his intentions well ahead of his attack!
We must find a way to consider the bullets and all ammunition as a topic for broader discussion. And, notwithstanding the gun advocates who shout "Second Amendment" we must respond calmly and with a civil tone. Did the Founding Fathers anticipate the ability of a 'well regulated militia' to have access to more than muskets and mini balls? Did they intend for private citizens to have weapons that would deliver SIX HUNDRED ROUNDS PER MINUTE? Do the math.. Talk it over. Regulate and track the ordnance for assault rifles. Save lives.
Civilization must respond. Human Beings of Good Will must find a way to peace and stem the tide by attending to the bullets.
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