and Kamala Harris for VP, too.
Recently, I've come back to the typewriter. It's manual.. and the effort to type is considerable. Typing has helped me to understand that our brains and our fingers.. and hands and posture and related physical and mental states, especially in the plague times... the dampanic days.. when we are shifted into dark realms, exacerbated by the looming election and the president encouraging guys with guns and reputations for being tough to 'stand by.' I sometimes think that this president is just a loose canon and speaking from his rambling bully pulpit spews ideas that are totally off the wall. A friend surmises that he knows exactly what he's doing. That, then.. is chilling.
In a dusty back and forth with a pal I've known for years: an actor and advocate for republicans (which seems pretty odd to me), he misunderstood a term I used. "Strawman".. of course, when we want a definition of a word that is unfamiliar, we go to Google.. and voila.. an insulting definition that is contrary to the meaning I meant. I meant that a 'strawman' technique is one that we all use now and then to deflect a question or a topic to turn it on its head and send the discussion off "What about the emails?"
So.. in an attempt to save the friendship.. I explained what I meant and I got a FUCK YOU!! rescinded! Yay.
We got back on track and then I asked a sincere question about what the appeal is for my friend for the president? Instead of firing back an email to respond, I printed out a couple of pages and they are in the mail (unless DeJoy snags them) to my pal so that he can hold the ideas in his hand, and.. if he chooses, he can respond with snail mail. No more quick draw, fire at will emails with folks whom I care about.
Here's an edited version of our back and forth and it is revealing in that this guy is articulate and his point of view ..if you knew him.. would make a lot of sense.
His privacy is important, so if you guess who this might be, just be still. Okay?
I asked him what it was about the president that was appealing. This was his reply:
Sometimes, you want a bully. I was told early on (didn’t
necessarily or unfortunately listen) “ you don’t want an agent whose your
friend – you want an agent who is a pitbull who stalks the halls and gets your
work”. If you read their bios – almost all of the scions of business are what
you would call “bullies”. Given a choice between a Jimmy Carter or a Jack
Kennedy or a Ronald Reagan, who would you want leading the way. Reagan had
respect for people in general but was a bully when it was necessary. Lyndon
Johnson was as close to a PITBULL as any President in our lifetime. Truman was
a moral and intelligent man who would not take shit from anyone. "
My response in the US Post to him follows:
" ....
realized that email is not helpful right now.. Your limbic reaction and missed
understanding of ‘strawman’ deep sixed a rational back and forth.
Thank you. This exposes what is somewhat obvious. You are a security MAN. By definition Security (those jackets with the word in bold letters on the back, the nine millimeter showing smartly on the belt. a shiny badge, a smart haircut and a no nonsense attitude is what SECURITY is all about. I only saw one question in your note.. Mostly we don’t ask questions much these days. Sadly, that's typical of the way we all communicate today, isn't it?
Your examples of strong presidents are fine. Not one of them behaved like this president behaves. Not one of them called for outlaw guntoting bullies to ‘stand by.’
Justifying being a bully ..sadly.. because you are a security guy.. is not unexpected.
This is about leadership, right? What leaders are supposed to do, to me, is to respect the situation and in the world.. world leaders show respect and know what they are talking about. They gather advisors and listen to them.
Screen "Dr. Strangelove" for what bullying may lead to. Then screen "Fail Safe" for what might happen and how the bully forces screw things up another way.
Strength is really important. In each of us. Braggadocio and mockery is what your president flings about like frisbees. It's embarrassing... to me. That you would be okay with that is a mystery because at heart you are a pussy cat, ain't ya?
Of course, the military mentality in both Fail Safe and Dr. Strangelove is overblown, but I've seen it in real life where angry folks just wanted to strike back. I see it in cops who have the power of the uniform: Badge, kevlar vest under the tough gaberdine with medals, cuffs, night stick, mace and.. of course: the gun! They wear almost nazi style helmets. They form a military phalanx. The gear and the authority give individuals the power of the uniform. It’s force and power that killed George Floyd. This ain’t Mayberry, Sheriff Taylor! There are probably a hundred others who died under arrest or got shot in the back without a camera rolling. Power of attitude. Take no prisoners. Command VOICE!! MUTHAFUCKAH!
Toxic masculinity comes with being .. as you and I are.. privileged white guys in a patriarchy that teaches privilege to white guys with women in the slip stream. This is my observation that sees a pattern of behavior that pretty much explains a few things.
I don't think that you are wrong. You are a guy with a military bent. You bend to the right because that's what the military is all about, right? Unquestioning obedience and doing the 'right' thing. Following orders!
I'm not wrong because I see a blowhard bully as an embarrassment to my own ethic and my civilized (or formerly so) society. I'm wired for peace and you are partly.. anyway. wired for conflict.
(My pal asked me if I had an issue with 'bullies')
What I do when feeling pushed around is to find a way around the issue and rather than fighting back, find a way to understand the situation and be smarter and better than blunt force.
Your 'agent analogy' is interesting. If you have a son of a bitch for an agent, that eventually slops back on you, unless you get to be a "Star" and the crap doesn't matter because you are rich and famous and don't have to be nice or take guff from anyone.
Fortunately, I don't have to make anyone else wrong to feel right. A president who behaves like your guy has behaved doesn't represent me or the United States I grew up in. He sure has fooled a lot of people. That is embarrassing. How are you not embarrassed?"
I've edited this letter to make it more generic, but hit the ideas that have been generated. I want to live in an America where everyone's rights are important. I want to see a cop and know that he/she will be civil if not out right friendly. I want representatives who listen to my voice and respond by doing good works. I want an America where leadership is respected and respectful of the population and cautiously indulgent of those other countries who may do our nation harm. It is not too much to ask! This guy, 45, is a rude person. He makes it up as he goes along and has fooled a lot of people.
I'm voting Biden/Harris and can't wait to see what Kamala does with Mr. Pence. Will decorum prevail? Hmm?
Michael Sheehan
the last day of September, 2020
Glendale, CA
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