
Sunday, September 29, 2019

The National Nightmare / September, 2019

Almost daily I get emails from our representative, Adam Schiff.  I'm a little upset with Adam for not allowing me to weigh in at a town hall type meeting he held at the LA Zoo a while back, but I'm over it... mostly... and as he is on 'point' for the ongoing exploration of what the 45th president is up to, I wrote this note to him today:

Dear Adam..
What if they gave a party and nobody came?
I read your daily missives.  That you exacerbate the crap that 45 spews out is exactly what 'they' want. Why not let Jimmy Kimmel make fun of 45 and YOU and the rest of us make for the High Road. Not to run away, but to just turn our backs, as we do with a persistent puppy who jumps up for attention?

What if a bully is ignored?

There's a story of an Indian chief who was a big, big bully.  He went around the teepees and kicked dogs and the children cowered and the other members of the tribe felt threatened daily.  He declared himself Chief Forever and strutted and bellowed and ruled with an iron fist.
The plains indians in this story were Nomads.. It's just a story after all.
One morning when  Big Chief Forever awakened in his teepee, he noticed that camp was... and I imagine this in the voice of Elmer Fudd... very, very quiet.. He got dressed and put on his fancy war bonnet and exited the teepee expecting breakfast.
The entire camp was gone. During the night, the rest of the tribe had moved on. Everyone was gone. There was a note stuck on the chief's tent flap that read,
"You can be chief all by yourself for as long as you want.  Good bye."

By no longer referring to 45 directly and allowing the procedure for impeachment to move forward and turning our collective backs to this guy and referring to his shenanigans only incidentally, it may change the 'tone' of the miasma of weariness that he's created. We may begin to climb that long ladder to the light again.  Gerald Ford, not the greatest non-elected President, said in 1974 "... our long national nightmare is over.." Do you recall the day that Nixon resigned? Did your heart leap? You were only a kid.  I hope that you were aware that the mess that followed Watergate was a 'nightmare?' I sat in front of the TV set and cheered.

The current national nightmare must end.  Eventually..  and, hopefully we won't awaken to a bigger mess. Let's just take a deep breath.  Let's behave with love and civility and as we might deal with a jumping up dog or a recalcitrant child tossing a hissy fit in the middle of the grocery store, turn our backs and slowly and surely move forward. 

Stop the drama.

Breathe and move forward in a sure and certain way that makes sense!


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